Posted 01 July 2019 - 09:04 PM
A continuation of post #14 .
The nature of the air coil is it will grab anything in it, and depending on the charge, near it, and pull it to the center to do the center of the ring.
Originally, I used to wrap #898 strapping tape around the setup, and the with correct side down, firmly hold the tail of the tape with my thumb and forefinger , and place it in the coil.
So when you put a setup in, and you were holding it a little bit above the center, it would pull it down.
If you weren't holding on tight, it would slam it into the bottom of the coil.
Conversely, if you managed to get it that lower than center, it would push at my fingers and try flip.
Some of the hourly guys, for their amusement would drop in blem cobalt magnet pieces, into the bottom of the coil.
When they would hit the charge button, that piece would want to instantaneously come to the center.
With nothing to stop it, it had so much momentum it would just shoot up and out of the coil, and get stuck to the 14(?) foot steel ceiling.
I would look up there, and see a few dozen pieces of cobalt magnet, and just shake my head. LOL
The story I've told numerous times, here, involves the same guys, including one of my current regular racers, Andy Fisher.
Andy was our CNC operator, and among other things, was in charge cutting the cobalt magnets with the EDM machine.
So he had easy access to all the scraps.
Well, one time, at lunch, I walked into Pizza Hut and all the hourly guys were already there, eating.
After I got done eating, as I was walking out, I noticed they were all in this adjacent little room, where they had a video game and a pinball machine.
They were all standing around the pinball machine, while one guy played, hootin' and hollerin', like they had never seen a pinball machine before.
I got back to the shop, and I saw Stu to standing by the time clock, looking at everybody's time card, to see when they punched out.
He asked me "where the heck is everybody? We got a bunch of work to do."
I said I saw them all at Pizza Hut, and when I left, they were still there.
He replied "Well, they better get back soon and make sure you tell him their lunches are 45 minutes, regardless if they're punched out or not."
When they got back, I read them the minor riot act, and asked them what's the deal with playing pinball like a bunch of little kids.
Andy then showed me a large cobalt scrap piece, just small enough to still fit in the air coil, to zap.
It was so powerful, they could slide it along the glass, and "grab" the ball, and control it.
They were steering the ball, getting astronomical scores, unlimited free games, blah blah blah, and didn't want to leave until they had all 10 top scores, with their initials. LOL
triggerman, Mike Patterson, mreibman and 1 other like this
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559