Here is the current evaluation on the bodies we've been discussing... Main concern on the RF bodies have been that they'd be very thin and thus, much lighter than others. Additionally, I was concerned with aero modifications that might have obsoleted existing stuff. I was going to track test at Motown this weekend but it's looking like 104-106* down there and I can do without that. It's supposed to drop down to low 90s later next week.
Red Fox Coupes are approved. These are NOT too thin and aero is almost exactly comparable to currently approved and in use bodies.
RFD340C - Lola GT: perhaps a little more detail than current Parmas and JKs but no aero advantage
RFD341C - Chevron B16: Very close in shape to the O/S Chevron that we currently (occasionally) use but a little longer and maybe taller in front fenders. If anything these will actually fit a 4" wheelbase car which the O/S didn't all that well.
Red Fox Charger (RFD 343C) conditionally approved: These are not thin/light as I feared However, there is a potential for aero advantage due to the rear deck shape and rear spoiler. I don't think that this will matter and will be able to track test this coming week. I don't suggest you buy a bunch yet and besides, the quality of my one sample was absolutely horrid. I'm sure this will get better but right now, yuk!
RTR McKee: I have a couple and although very nicely done, I'm afraid this would take over the class. Extrapolating from what others have posted, this seems to be a new player in the higher downforce body category which we already don't allow. I will test this when I can but don't hold yer breath.
VFC Charger and Daytona: These are a little harder to get than the other stock car bodies but Gary Hooks showed me a Daytona a while back and I thought it looked nice but seemed thin. I ordered a Charger myself and it (is) pretty nice. I'd approve except that it is thinner than the current Parmas that we use. On average, these are about 2.5 grams lighter than the current Parmas and the new Red Fox. That's almost 25% lighter. The one that Gary got was advertised as .010" and it seemed like it was. The one that I got also seemed quite thin. I will test but I suspect that the thinner plastic would be too much of an advantage.
There will be more...