Sonic is still finding stuff in the secret closet that might be of interest to slot car racers.
What is below is a 2.48" x 1.70" x 1.83" chunk of 24MGOe Samarium Cobalt. Obviously it needs whittling down to make it useful for slot car motors, so sharpen those Swiss Army knives!
A few things to know:
The material is directional. It does *not* magnetize in *any* direction. It only magnetizes well in only one direction. It's been so long since we've had this piece that I cannot tell you the direction of magnetic orientation. Keep this is mind.
The material is *not* magnetically charged. This means you are much less likely to chunk out edges when working with it and you will not be battling it from sticking to every iron object within 10 feet (just kidding).
The reason this is being posted here is that I am giving the slot car community a chance at a rarely-seen raw, unmagnetized, large chunk of SmCo magnet material. If nothing else it is a curiosity piece.
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