I've gotten several of these with Mura stickers on them, and have no way of knowing for sure if those were stock, or someone just stuck them on there. Steve Okeefe's excellent "Can Spotter's Guide" seems to indicate that Mura did use these cans...or ones like them, but this one is regular length...and Mura may have used those as well as shortened versions. Anyway, I have no Mura end bells, but I do have a Mabuchi 160 which is a good analog for the regular Mabuchi end bells (*especially the Champion ones). So, I'll build this motor up. It's loaded right now with a set of uber-strong PS ceramics, and a .560" arm blank to match, and it can go either can or the more correct (*I think) end bell drive, although end bell drive would require reaming out the bracket hole for the larger bushing area of the end bell.
The can was really messy, but after a LOT of polishing, it came back OK. ***Also, I could shorten the can no problem, but again...I think Mura used the cans both short and regular length.

Mabuchi FT16DBB
Posted 18 October 2019 - 04:57 PM
- slotbaker, Pablo, Jencar17 and 5 others like this
Posted 18 October 2019 - 09:00 PM
John -- If I'm right, that's the motor (endbell drive) for all the Cox iso fulcrum chassis cars -- 2E, La Cucharacha, etc. You could sell a million of them.
Posted 18 October 2019 - 10:02 PM
Chris, the La Cucarachas were can drive. I never owned other Cox isos, but they probably were too.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 18 October 2019 - 10:05 PM
That, of course, is what I meant Bill -- can drive. Should stay away from computers at bedtime!
Posted 19 October 2019 - 05:59 AM
Hi Chris,
I have no doubt this can was used by others, my only uncertainty was about whether or not the MURA stickers I've found on some meant that Mura was one of the companies that did use them!
On this can itself, I actually kept the stock bearing as it was in excellent shape, without the inner "cap" (*these bearings have no flange, or even an inner race) having been bent or distorted. The Mabuchi 160 end bell I'm using with the can has the identical bearing (*they can have either a bearing or a sintered metal bushing)...same as was used on 26D motors. So functionally, the setup will be "old school". Actually, at this point, even the 160 motors are "vintage".
I am leaning towards going can-drive for this one.
Posted 19 October 2019 - 11:17 AM
Bingo Chris...and that's a really crusty one! BTW, I can't tell from the picture, but is that the aluminum or brass can bearing carrier? Of course, Champion used what is the same can, but with only one hole. Then again, considering Champion's penchant for selling everything and anything they could...they may have used some with two holes top and bottom. I have one of the Champions that I'm working-up along with the Mura above.
Posted 19 October 2019 - 11:55 AM
Aluminum bearing carrier. Also end bell drive, so it would have been pre- iso chassis.
- havlicek likes this
Posted 19 October 2019 - 12:51 PM
IIRC, the 5% motors were supposed to be the "premium", top 5% of performance motors.
I don't know how they determined that. Don't know if they dyno tested the motors or what.

"Kinky Kar"
Posted 20 October 2019 - 06:00 AM
IIRC, the 5% motors were supposed to be the "premium", top 5% of performance motors.
I don't know how they determined that. Don't know if they dyno tested the motors or what.
While I don't know, and doubt that anyone here does for sure, it was more than likely just a marketing claim. At best, maybe some were just hooked up to a power supply for a quick blip and a completely subjective assessment was made.
***Now, there are ...and always have been stories about either entirely separate production, or some kind of "cherry picking" of motors for team members. That's a whole different thing than testing batches of motors for general retail sale.
- Samiam likes this