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AWRA Concord 500 race results - Nov 2, Concord, NC

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#1 MG Brown

MG Brown

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Posted 05 November 2019 - 03:18 PM

November 2nd, 2019 - The Slot Car Track - Concord, North Carolina


Concord 500 20191102.jpg

The Legends. Stock Cars, and Sportsman WOMPS were on hand for some fast racing at The Slot Car Track in Concord, North Carolina on November 2nd, 2019
Here are the full field results for the event.
Stock Car
TQ - Guy Spaulding
1. Guy Spaulding - 519 laps
2. Walker McAnulty - 515 laps
3. Wayne Little - 488 laps
4. Charles Eldridge - 471 laps
5. Glen Dement - 447 laps
6. Randy McAnulty - 438 laps
TQ - Walker McAnulty
1. Walker McAnulty - 124 laps
2. Wayne Little - 120 laps
3. Charles Eldridge - 115 laps
4. Glen Dement - 114 laps
5. Guy Spaulding - 109 laps
6. Randy McAnulty - 103 laps
TQ - Guy Spaulding
1. Charles Eldridge - 171 laps
2. Guy Spaulding - 164 laps
3. Walker McAnulty - 160 laps
4. Glen Dement - 156 laps
5. Randy McAnulty - 147 laps
6. Wayne Little - 78 laps

That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.


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