The recent conversation here about Mabuchi 13UO motors and their subsequent use as a starting point for "peanut" motors got me to thinking I haven't done a "nut" in a while.
Most often, I use either ProSlot or JK end bells since they only need slight reducing to fit the fk cans I often use (*although I have also used 13UO cans). Here, I used a Mura end bell that I turned and milled to fit, more along the lines of the "peanut" motors. Being all about "recycling" people have given me a bunch of old fks, and they make for an excellent (*if not totally period correct) starting point for these builds. After shortening the can and flattening it on all sides, it got a bearing installed. I also tortured myself here and went with a "wrinkled black" paint job. For me, these wrinkle correctly about half the time, and here I got lucky...whew!
Pictured behind is what my grab bag of fk motors look like on average...BUT...with some elbow grease, squinting through my geezer goggles and lip-biting, there's a nifty motor lurking behind the rust and solder blobs. The new "nut" got a set of the polyneos, and will get a healthy #27 wind. I just have to fab-up a set of bussbars and do-up an arm.

Speaking of "peanuts"
Posted 09 November 2019 - 07:17 AM
- slotbaker, Pablo, Jencar17 and 8 others like this
Posted 09 November 2019 - 07:29 AM
Real nice John.
- havlicek likes this
Posted 09 November 2019 - 01:36 PM
Thanks Kim. I get a big kick out of repurposing the throwaway motors into something like this. It's the old "silk purse out of a sow's ear thing".
Posted 09 November 2019 - 04:39 PM
These just have to be my favorite, taking some absolute trash and making gems out of them.
- havlicek likes this
Posted 09 November 2019 - 05:10 PM
These just have to be my favorite, taking some absolute trash and making gems out of them.
Thanks john. There are so many of these things out there (*besides the ones that simply got tossed), there could be a whole race series based on them. Kind of a shame they are mostly just forgotten.
Posted 10 November 2019 - 10:24 AM
That just looks like fun.
- havlicek likes this
Posted 10 November 2019 - 12:51 PM
Thanks again Kim. I think there might also be a bit of "thrillz" in there besides the fun!