Red Fox GT12 chassis build instructions?
Posted 04 December 2019 - 10:16 AM
Posted 08 December 2019 - 03:42 PM
Just looked at Assembled chassis on Pacific Slot Cars website up in Washington and looked at Scotts PCH website, these are for the RedFox GT12 chassis and got 2 differant assembled cross members rear of chassis with parts reversed on each chassis. Trying to install this chassis which way is the right way to install the cross member and attach the parts. Not only is the cross member turned over and installed differant also the slotted small parts are reversed on the center section and the pans. What is the proper installation of these parts. Redfox are you available to show a picture or instructions, please chim in and help solve the puzzle ? of your chassis. I do not want to proceed until I get it the way it was designed. Forgot to add missing a part for the guide piece, instead gave me an extra front pin tube part. Oh well I can make it work on that part missing. ?
Thanks for any help from anyone who uses these chassis. Big race coming up and want to start using these cars.
- Phil Beukema likes this
Posted 08 December 2019 - 07:50 PM
I have an assembled RedFox GT12 chassis. I'll get you some pictures early tomorrow.
I'm not sure how to post pictures here; may need to send me your email and I'll send them to you that way.
- Roy Lievanos and Tim Wood like this
Professional Track Wall Tester.
Rob Voska's only friend.
Posted 09 December 2019 - 09:36 PM
Thanks Frank,
Much appreciated
Posted 15 December 2019 - 09:51 AM
Thanks to all for response on chassis build, Now how do I get rid of the rust on chassis after build. I was told this was treated steal. Any suggestions, Thanks again, Tim
I am not going to buy a Tumbler. If using a tumbler is best way, I have a friend. Merry Christmas
Posted 15 December 2019 - 09:56 AM
- Tim Wood likes this
Jeff Strause
Owner, Strause's Performance Racing (SPR)
USSCA 2016 4" NASCAR Champion & 4 1/2" NASCAR Champion & Retro Can-Am Champion
USSCA 2017 All Around Champion
USSCA 2019 All Around Champion
Posted 15 December 2019 - 10:58 AM
Tim... Not sure how to get the rust off... But to keep it from rusting. You probably already know, but I've had a couple guys ask why my stuff don't rust up. I use the same oil I use for the axles, a couple drops on my finger and wipe down the chassis at the end of the day. The biggest culprit seems to be finger prints causing rust, probably from sweaty hands at the track. I just keep a thin layer of the axle oil on it at all times.
- Tim Neja and Tim Wood like this
Professional Track Wall Tester.
Rob Voska's only friend.
Posted 07 January 2020 - 07:22 PM
- Tim Wood likes this
Steve Meadows
Posted 10 January 2020 - 01:18 PM
Tim... Not sure how to get the rust off... But to keep it from rusting. You probably already know, but I've had a couple guys ask why my stuff don't rust up. I use the same oil I use for the axles, a couple drops on my finger and wipe down the chassis at the end of the day. The biggest culprit seems to be finger prints causing rust, probably from sweaty hands at the track. I just keep a thin layer of the axle oil on it at all times.
what is the name of the oil if you don't mind sharing ?
Posted 11 January 2020 - 06:26 AM
Good morning Perry, I just use the Champion axle oil that comes in the little bottle with the needle applicator.. If you need a picture of the bottle let me know, I'd be happy to send it to you.
- pmwslots likes this
Professional Track Wall Tester.
Rob Voska's only friend.
Posted 12 January 2020 - 08:50 AM
1st rule is don't let the rust start! (very hard to do) In europe chassis get washed and scrubbed with water & a cleaner like "Zoro" (not available in US) a tooth brush and scrub brushes. It's similar to comet, zud or bar keepers friend but less abrasive. Chassis is oiled and I wrap mine in a paper towel and then a ziploc bag. The acid flux rusts them like crazy.
- Tim Wood likes this
Posted 12 January 2020 - 10:02 AM
Good morning Perry, I just use the Champion axle oil that comes in the little bottle with the needle applicator.. If you need a picture of the bottle let me know, I'd be happy to send it to you.
that would be great Frankie.
Posted 12 January 2020 - 07:52 PM
Perry... Looks like I've moved on from the Champion, now using Epic.. I'm guessing about any of the oil would work for you.
ty Sir
- Frankie Schaffier likes this
Posted 03 March 2021 - 01:53 PM
Posted 03 March 2021 - 01:53 PM