This is a chassis that I built when I was 15 back in 1970. It had hinges everywhere. This version was build about the time that pan hinges were phasing out to add rigidity. The front plumber and center hinges are still there and with a little re-soldering of a few bits, I'm going to set this up and run it.
The wheelbase on this was just under 4" and it fit nicely into the cheap Harbor Freight 3lb tumbler. It was in there for 3 hours with a 10% Dawn/water dilution and about 1.5lb of 1/2"x3/16" ceramic media my wife bought from Kingsley North. (a gem and mineral supply house. My wife is a Gem and MIneral buff).
While a Retro F1 chassis will definitely NOT fit into this unit, for about $40, it makes a amazingly effective parts tumbler if, like me, you want to reuse components from old builds.
The last pic is 5 bottles of the "Racer's Helpers" that surfaced from my old kit. That Parma bottle was armature bluing liquid. All the rage back then.
The Dart is still liquid, but the rest have firmly fossilized...including the Parma!! LOL