I've been using the Radio Shack minitorch to scratchbuild for decades and been real happy with it
I love the fact I can hold it in my right hand and adjust the flame with same hand. The downside is, after a certain amount of use, it starts to act up. Flames out, sputters, etc. I've tried disassembly, cleaning, etc. and eventually came to the conclusion it was useless to try and fix them once they start going bad.
Over the years, I've developed a habit of simply discarding them once they get funky. The day has come for me to upgrade. I want something I can adjust and hold in one hand, never gets clogged or fails, and works as well or better than the Radio Shack cheapie. As soon as my "stimulus" bucks arrive, I'll be shopping online
Minitorch lovers, I know you are out there, please advise. Thank you,