Hi there.
Is there anybody out there with enough patience to explain to me how this whole drag racing works.
I don't mean cars, but the track, the timing and the race procedures.
I have never ever seen a slog drag racing track in real life. They are scares in my geography. However I am still curious as how they are setup and run.
Here are a couple of questions for starters:
1) At what voltage do they run?
2) I assume that the track (Controller) always have power on.
3) That the "controller" is nothing but an ON switch.
4) Or do you need to "drive" the car to stageing, or do you just put the car on the track in the correct starting position.
X-mas tree
1) I understand that you use a x-mas tree for starting. Are you using "Stageing" light?
2) How many down count light?
3) Are the down count and go lights precisely spaced in time, or is the "go" signal subject to a little randomness.
4) Do you consider "lack" in relays and old school lights bulps to be a problem, or do you simple use LED's.
1) How many sensor do you have down the strip?
2) What kinds of measurements do you use?
3) Do you run with handicap. I.e. right and left not starting at the same time?
1) What kind of length are used?
2) Always two tracks, or can you have more.
3) Shutdown length?
Race procedings
1) What kind of race. All together, best time wins or elimination and advancement two at at time.
2) How many drivers can you have?
That is for starters. Any bidders?
Best regards, Carsten Groennemann.