I'm sorry for not publishing anything anywhere yet. Jim was supposed to handle the schedule/rules for the 2020 season, until after the division 2 nationals at fast track, so that myself and Chris crofts could focus on that. However, I haven't heard anything from Jim in roughly 9 months at this point. We had planned on getting something done, but all of this covid stuff started getting worse. As of this point, we still plan on having a retro series in NorCal, hopefully everything is back to normal by January-ish of 2021.
In the next few months, I will try to get the Facebook page populated with posts again.
As of right now, fast track can't open their tracks for the foreseeable future, however, motown is open and racing.
As for the rules, right now, no changes are planned. I want to keep everything as it was for at least a season, with small changes in the future (motors for pro coupe, and possibly body choices)
NorCal Retro update
Started by
Justin Colvin
, Aug 12 2020 11:00 PM
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