aka "Folding" Track Concept.
Since the current COVID19 situation prevents me from testing my cars because the track I usually frequent, does not currently allow track rental, I am now frustrated enough to seriously consider building my own 1/24 - 4 lane track.
For the past couple of weeks, I've gone over 'n over 'n over, viewing the great home track projects shared here, and home track builds from all over the internet, attempting to find an idea to help me get started.
I have very limited garage/workshop space and the track project would require that it be portable and able to be put away without obstructing car storage space.
I searched Slotblog and came across this thread from way back, that our illustrious Cruizin' Bob started in regards to "Refurbishing a Quickstart Track":
Thanks Bob!
I had never heard of this track before, but it sure got me excited, that as a 2 lane folded track, its dimensions are 2'x4' with a thickness of only 3 inches!
Being unfolded allows a footprint of a 2' x 4' x 12" track usage!
Here are pictures I believe to be from the original advertisement of the the track:
This is a photo of the track after C' Bob refurbished the track:
My idea of an "Origami" or folding track was influenced by the Quickstart 2 lane track, but I prefer a 4 lane track, and if that is not feasible, at least a 3 lane.
I decided on 3 feet wide x 4 feet long x 1/2" thick board as the folding sections - cogitating how may sections to use as well as the configuration.
The track would be placed on folding tables instead of the floor.
Track design layout would be determined after creating the folding track layout in full scale.
I mocked up a miniature model in 3" x 4" board pieces, representing the actual 3 feet wide x 4 feet long sections.
I designed a way to put 5 sections in combination, to fold out and fold up, offering approximately 12 feet of straightaway, and the turns would be laid out on 3 feet x 6 feet sections, hoping that is enough surface area for a 4 lane hairpin turning radius?!
This is how the track would unfold - in sequence:
Folded up - ready to unfoldl:
Pulling Board #1 towards me:
Swinging boards #3 thru #5 to the left side of board #2:
Pushing boards #2 thru #5 away from me and down:
Flipping board #5 towards me and down:
Flipping boards #4 and #5, to the left and down:
. . . and this is how the track board layout will look unfolded!
Folded up and put away, it should have a thickness of approximately 3 inches (I'm accounting for hinges )! !
Now that I have this figured out, I need to design controller station placement and wiring without it disturbing too much space underneath the track to keep everything aligned and smooth.
I'm considering attaching the stations and terminal block on the side (board edges) and possibly making it detachable?!
Any thoughts/ideas suggestions on how to do that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for looking!