From Clarkston News (Michigan) in 2019:
"Anthony Ramses of Independence Township feeds his need for speed on his hand-built 264-square-foot slot-car race track in his basement.
“This is my a man cave, my big boy hobby,” said Ramses, who moved to the Clarkston area with his wife, Marvella, three years ago from Bloomfield. “I work hard, and I do this to relax and escape. The guys come over and we race.”
With technical assistance and tools borrowed from his friend Lance Thomalson, Ramses embedded a 33-by-8-foot Carrera Digital race track into a wood-framed table top built up with foamcore and wired by hand, decorated with styrofoam, plaster, aquarium sand, model-railroad landscaping, and trees made from bushes from his own yard.
“I watched a lot of model train videos, and put my own spin on things,” he said. “It’s all designed to replicate real racing on a 1/32 scale.”
Click HERE to read the rest of the story.