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Figure 8 wiring tips

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#1 Rau Racing

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Posted 15 February 2021 - 05:27 PM

Hello. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions to make wiring the x in a figure 8 routed wood braided track easiest/ cleanest. Cad of design, pic of reference. received_120761809947508.jpeg received_238395981229539.jpeg
Andrew Rau

#2 Mr Nobody

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Posted 15 February 2021 - 07:24 PM

Well first, I would not make any wiring connections in this area, like power taps, or lap counter or anything else, it will be way too busy. On the lanes in one direction I would run the braid down through the holes, and keep it tight to the track and bring it back out the next set of holes, and keep it tight under the track almost like your sewing the track together with braid. Then in the opposite direction i would take the braid down through the hole and leave about 3 inches of slack in the braid so that you are sagging under the braid in the opposite direction, and bring it back out the next hole. On those braids sagging under I would use heat shrink and cover them so theres no chance of them tapping together if they are bumped or etc. You could also wrap them in electrical tape if you didnt want to do the shrink tube, but it would be a long tedious process to tape them all. Someone else might have a better idea, thats just the crazy way I would do it. 

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Trent Kifer

#3 Rau Racing

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Posted 15 February 2021 - 07:33 PM

Well first, I would not make any wiring connections in this area, like power taps, or lap counter or anything else, it will be way too busy. On the lanes in one direction I would run the braid down through the holes, and keep it tight to the track and bring it back out the next set of holes, and keep it tight under the track almost like your sewing the track together with braid. Then in the opposite direction i would take the braid down through the hole and leave about 3 inches of slack in the braid so that you are sagging under the braid in the opposite direction, and bring it back out the next hole. On those braids sagging under I would use heat shrink and cover them so theres no chance of them tapping together if they are bumped or etc. You could also wrap them in electrical tape if you didnt want to do the shrink tube, but it would be a long tedious process to tape them all. Someone else might have a better idea, thats just the crazy way I would do it. 

That's pretty much exactly the way I was thinking with pulling one direction up tight and sliding shrink wrap over the second layer braids. Thanks for the input.

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Andrew Rau

#4 Modelville Guy

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Posted 16 February 2021 - 12:28 PM

Andy what have done?


You can just slip tubing over the braid instead of heat shink tubing and you do not need to shrink the tubing anyways.

Richard Payne

#5 Rau Racing

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Posted 16 February 2021 - 12:33 PM

Andy what have done?
You can just slip tubing over the braid instead of heat shink tubing and you do not need to shrink the tubing anyways.

I haven't done anything yet. That's what I was thinking with the shrink tube, was just wondering if there was any other tricks. Will be helping do the braid on this for a friend that wants to build one. Figured I'd do some asking first for once.
Andrew Rau

#6 Steve Ogilvie

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Posted 16 February 2021 - 04:00 PM

I built a couple of these level crossing tracks and the way it is described above is pretty much how I did them. There is no easy way.

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#7 MSwiss


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 05:41 PM

FWIW,from what I remember, when one was in this area, it was a novelty that faded pretty quickly.

Some guys wanted to race, some guys wanted to wreck, and some guys had no interest at all.
"Why would I want tear up my cars?"

I'm not sure if it would make the wiring any easier, but if I was to make one, I would consider having a separate, small power supply, set to provide steady voltage to the intersection.
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