Never seen this before, any ideas? Listed on our local auction site as Aurora?
May be 1/32nd, but more likely 1/24th with that FT36
Thanks in advance
Posted 10 July 2021 - 10:56 PM
when I was a kid I had an Aurora 1/32 set (still have it) and the cars didn't look remotely like that, they had Challenger motors and looked like smaller versions of the 1/24 K & Bs without drop arms. 36d or not, that looks like 1/32 scale, maybe Eldon or Gilbert?
Posted 11 July 2021 - 06:17 AM
Strombecker chassis that has been flipped over.
Posted 11 July 2021 - 10:18 AM
Strombecker chassis that has been flipped over.
is that the original motor? (I'd guess no) and was it flipped in order to make it fit the body with the 36d? I've never seen a Strombecker with a Mabuchi (doesn't mean there were not any, just that I never saw one) since they had their own versions, TC24 and 32 and Hemi 300 and 400
Posted 11 July 2021 - 01:12 PM
No, should have a TC24 I think.
Posted 13 July 2021 - 04:20 PM
Thanks guys! I think you are right. 1/32nd Aurora body with Strombecker chassis, incorrect motor, should probably be a TC24
Again thanks.