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Events for July 18, 2008

in Nat'l/Reg'l

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----- 2008 Flat Track Worlds, Montgomery, IL
By Cheater

Mid-America Raceway in Chicago presents

The 2008 Flat Track Worlds

July 18-20, 2008

All racing on the 148.5 foot Gerding TMM (The Midwest Monster) with 13.0 volts of clean power.

Rules followed will be ISRA/USA, just like the Masters race. For a printout of the rules please go HERE.

Tech will close for the following class 1 hour after the finish of the previous race.

Come ready to race!

Friday, July 18
Raceway opens at 9 AM
First tech from 11:30-12:00 AM
1/32 Production - $15 entry fee
1/24 JRL/Indy - $20
1/24 Falcon LMP - $20

Saturday, July 19
Raceway opens at 8 AM
First tech 9:30-10:00 AM
1/32 F1 Eurosport - $25
Retro Can-Am - IRRA Rules (bring your own motor) - $20
1/24 B-Production - $20

Sunday, July 20
Raceway opens at 8 AM
First tech 9:30-10:00 AM
1/32 Eurosport - $25
1/24 Open-12 - $25
1/24 Eurosport - $30

Grand Champion will be decided by the following races:
JRL, B-Production, Open-12, 1/32 Eurosport, and 1/24 Eurosport

Hotel reservations at:
the Americinn of Oswego
1050 Douglas Road, Oswego, IL 60543
$79.99 a night double occupancy
(mention the raceway for this price)
Free breakfast every day

PoorBoy's is sponsoring this race as well.

Mid-America Raceway & Hobbies
Home of the 2009 Scale Nats
(630) 484-8574
Posted Image

----- Mid-Summer Enduro, Beachwood, NJ
By Sonny's Fastlane

First Annual Mid-Summer Enduro at Sonny's Fastlane

Saturday, July 19, 4 PM ET on the Gerding King
Friday rules - see our website - with the following exceptions:

Two drivers per team (eight teams will be allowed).
There will be sixteen 10 minute heats with each racer doing eight heats in the following manner:
Racer A will run in heats 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, and 16.
Racer B will run in heats 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
While one team member is racing, his or her partner must marshall.
Two motors per team (Parma 502) (will be supplied by the raceway).

There will be a $60.00 entry fee per team. Pre-register now before the field fills out!!

Sonny's Fastlane Slots and Hobbies
501 Atlantic City Blvd
Beachwood, NJ 08722
(732) 818-0411

----- Open X12 Race, Farmingdale, NJ
By Cheater


Open Group 12 Race

Saturday, July 19 at 7:00 PM on the "Red Lightning"

The Race Place

1151 Rte 33

Farmingdale, NJ 07727

(732) 938-5215

Chassis: unlimited

Axle ball bearings are legal

Body: scale bodies ONLY, No wing car bodies

JK - Ferrari 7060, Cougar Lemans 7071, R&S 7072, Cadillac 7185, Audi R8 7192, Reynard 2KQ 7193, BMW Lemans 7177, BMW LMR 7184, Panoz 7186, Lola Judd 7187, Chrysler LMP 7194, Courage 7195, Panoz LMP 7196, MG Lola 7198, Dome 7199, Ascari 7200, Lister 7202, Porsche RS Spyder 7203, Lola B05 7204, Mazda Courage 7205, Audi R10 7206

Parma - Porsche K8 941, Kudzu 942, WSC Ferrari 1109, MG Lola 1083, Dome 1048

O/S - BMW 065

Red Fox - Cadi

Motor: C-can based motor - Koford, Kelley, Viper, RJR, Mura, Pro Slot, Cahoza, BOW, B52, and Kamen cans are legal

  • Cans may not be altered EXCEPT for a single notch for axle clearance
  • May drill one small hole per side to ease magnet installation
  • Single-piece full-height C-can magnets
  • May epoxy or superglue magnets in place
  • May interchange manufacturer's parts. Aftermarket aluminum endbells are legal
  • X12 arm (must be tagged), .510" minimum diameter
  • Shunt wire is legal
  • Spring insulation is legal
  • Any springs
  • Single ball bearing in can end of motor is allowed
4 minute heats

$25 ENTRY FEE. Box plaques and payout for TOP THREE FINISHERS ONLY.

----- "Slots of Fun" Retro Race, Abbeville, SC
By Cheater

Retro Race at "Slots of Fun" on the 135' Grandstand.
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Raceway will open Saturday morning at 8:00 AM.

Tech will open for F1 at 10:30 AM and will close promptly at 11:00 AM, with racing to start immediately afterwards.

Can-Am/GT Coupe tech will open 30 mins after the end of the F1 race and close 30 mins later, with racing to start immediately afterwards.

Flexi GT tech will open 30 mins after the end of the Can-Am race and close 30 mins later, with racing to start immediately afterwards.

Races will be seeded by random draw; there will be no qualifying.

Entry fee is $10 per race.

Plaques and prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and concourse for each class.

IRRA rules will apply, except for one additional motor limitation (the Pro Slot motors will not be legal this at this event).

If you have any questions, please call.

'Slots of Fun'
117 Trinity St.
Abbeville, SC
(864)366-RACE (7223) (raceway)
(864)394-1113 (cell)

July 2008

Celebrating Today

(52) LarryCuda
(49) Kit Henry
(52) sidejobjon
(68) Mini-Mtrs
(31) Mr Nobody
Electric Dreams Online Shop