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Events for December 13, 2008

in Nat'l/Reg'l

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----- Retro Eastâ„¢, GTC, Cream Ridge, NJ
By Noose

GT Coupes

Track opens at 8:30 AM.
Tech open at 11 AM.

Dom’s Raceway
118 Jonathan Holmes Road
Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
(609) 758-3936

contact: Dom Roselli
email: sizzlerdom@optonline.net
website: www.domsraceway.com

----- Hardbody 36D NASCAR & Trans-Am races - BPR
By Keith Tanaka

Monthly 36D inline Hardbody NASCAR race on the BPR Flat track.

Prior to the 36D race, the first hardbody Trans-Am race may take place on the Flat track.

Track opens at noon. Race starts at 3 PM.

December 2008

Celebrating Today

(58) gjc2
(52) Captain Hammer
(49) NASCAR1259
(52) Scoyy
Electric Dreams Online Shop