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Events for March 12, 2010

in Nat'l/Reg'l

  • No permission to add events

----- • The R4/3 Retro Race, Columbus, OH
By Cheater

Mark your calendars for the 2010 version of the now-famous Retro Revival Reunion Race, known to slot racers everywhere as the R4/3!!

Last year's R4/2 was one of the greatest slot racing events of the last 40 years and Mike McMasters and family at Tom Thumb Hobbies are plotting and planning to make the R4/3 even better! This is a "don't-miss" retro racing event, as a number of racers who missed last year's event will ruefully admit.

Details are still being worked out, but the R4/3 will almost certainly feature one IRRA class per day and time for socializing (i.e. private consumption of adult beverages leading to bench racing and story-telling of championship caliber).

Monitor THIS FORUM for further info on the R4/3 event as it becomes available.

Once the event daily schedule is set in stone, it will be posted here.

----- • SoCal D3 F1/Can-Am, BPR
By Keith Tanaka

SoCal D3 F1/Can-Am races on the BPR Flat track.

Track opens 9 AM.

F1 tech at 10:30 AM.

March 2010

Celebrating Today

(51) Jairus
(64) CaptREDD
(56) Chris Dadds
(54) Carson56
(35) Benno - SAC
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