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Events for December 10, 2011

in Nat'l/Reg'l

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----- ● SoCal D3 F1/Can-Am, Buena Park, CA
By Keith Tanaka

Saturday, December 10.

SoCal D3 F1/Can-Am races on the BPR Flat track. A third race (Jail Door) will be run (if we have four entries or more) on the Flat track.

Track opens at 8 AM. F1 tech opens at 9:30 AM.

Buena Park Raceway
6161 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 827-9979
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----- ● Retro at Rapid Raceways, Plainville, CT
By Cheater

On December 10, though it's not exactly my birthday, we're going to have our first Rapid Raceways Retro Event. We will be using IRRA™ Rules and will again compete with GTC and Can-Am.

Since our area hosts a diverse group with tons of talent, we are going to begin this day with a bit more practice. Qualifying will only begin at 11:30 AM allowing for new Retro racers to get their cars handling.

So keep an "eye" on to Slotblog for added material which will include times, prizes, and entry fee information.

But the date is set: Saturday, December 10. Doors will open at 8:00 AM with qualifying for GTC set for 11:30 AM.

For those racers wishing to get updates via email: send me an nmail at: rraducha@sbcglobal.net or give me a phone call: (860) 229-3970.

Rapid Raceway
161 Woodford Avenue, Unit 55
Plainville, CT 06062
(860) 793-1888
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----- ● SMRA #4, Lavergne, TN
By Roho21

Smoky Mtn Retro Association is finally getting going again!

It's been a very busy year for us. With opening my new raceway and starting the FCR-NCS, it has been hard to schedule much. Things are settling in to where I can maintain instead of build and create.

So, with that being said we SMRA is firing back up!

Dec 10, 2011 - SMRA #4 - Central TN Raceway - Race order: GTC-PD, F1, Can-Am - Track opens at 7 AM, racing starts at 10 AM. $5 pit pass, $10 entry.

With the just the locals from Central TN and the racers from East Tenn Model Raceway, we expect approx 15-18 Can-Ams! If we get several from out of town, we could easily have over 20!

Central TN Raceway
208 Old Nashville Hwy
Lavergne, TN 37086
(615) 556-9167

SMRA - Retro racing at its finest!
1 members are attending

----- ● Retro racing at Flashbacks, Snellville, GA
By Flashbacks

Flashbacks Model Raceway presents...

Retro Racing at Flashbacks

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Raceway will open at 8 AM Saturday morning. Tech starts at 9:30 AM & racing to start at 10 AM.

Pit Pass - $5. 50% cash payback. One place will be paid for every four cars entered in each class, up to eight places.

Races will be run under IRRA™ rules. Tech table with be staffed by Larry Black.

Classes will run in the following order:

Flexi GT, entry fee - $10.

GT Coupe with numbered, hand-out TSR motor. Entry fee of $18 includes one TSR motor. Additional motors (if available) will be $10 each.

Can-Am, entry fee - $10.

Box plaques will be awarded to First, second and third place finishers.

The raceway will have lunch available on race day. There are also plenty of places to eat close by. For racers coming to practice on Friday night, several hotels are available with two miles of the track.

Flashbacks Model Raceway
3334 Hwy 78, Suite 3B
Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 736-5511

Note: If shipping anything to track, please ship to:
4317 Annistown Road
Snellville, GA 30039
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----- ● Retro Can-Am and Stock Car, Longmont, CO
By hath27

Retro Can-Am and Retro Stock Car at Slot Car Speedway

Raceway opens at 10:00 AM.
Practice and tech at 11:30 AM.
Racing at 12:00 noon.

$10 entry fee per class includes half hour practice time.

Current RMRRA rules will be followed.

Stock cars will race first, with Can-Am to follow.

Slot Car Speedway
1935 Main Street
Longmont, CO 80501
(303) 485-7616
2 members are attending

----- ● M-D Retro at TKO Raceway, Elizabethville, PA
By Bill Gerhart

Race #5 of the Mason-Dixon Retro season

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Practice - 9 AM to 11 AM
GTC tech - at 11:15 AM
GTC race - 11:30 AM

Can-Am tech 30 minutes after GTC event.
Can-Am race 45 minutes after GTC event.

Pit pass $10, GTC entry fee - $10, Can-Am entry fee - $12; both races and pit pass - $30.

IRRA™ rules.

TKO Raceway
Lykens Valley Plaza
4686 State Route 209
Elizabethville, PA 17023
(717) 905-2097

Attached Images

  • Tko 2 004.jpg
2 members are attending

----- ● Toy for Tots race at Rt.93, Akron, OH
By Cheater



December 2011

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