Flashbacks Model Raceway presents the twelfth...
The Southern Jamboree
February 23-25, 2012
Track opens Friday at 8:00 AM test and tune. Track will close at midnight, Friday & Saturday.
Saturday and Sunday track opens at 8:00 AM racing starts at 9:00 AM
Race will be run using DRS, ATOA, & Cal’s rules, AS A GUIDELINE.
These are the minimum meter readings I will use: Grp 20 - 122, Grp 12 - 208, American S16D - 284,
Chinese S16D arms - 360, and 16D Arms - 660. There will be random spot check for meter reading as I did in February.
Cash entry fees! Races will be run on a one-minute timer.
Pro classes are $10 dollars per car, four car limit per class. 60% pay-out. We pay first and second place on class races.
Classes will be run in this order: 16D & S16D, Grp12, Grp20, Neos, & AA.
Gambler’s Race entry fee $10 per car, five car limit. NO Buy back. Light $2 first round only. Gambler’s Race. 60% pay-out. Gambler’s Race will be run on a one-minute timer.
Pro Classes: D/S, GTD/SSD, Econo MM/PS, P/M, F/M, Hemi-12, T/S, A/FC, MM/PS, A/FD,V/FC-VR-20, Neo/HB, Neo/FC, AA/FC.
Race schedule
Friday - Track opens at 8 AM, Tech opens at 3 PM. First round of qualifying starts as 6:00 PM. Gambler’s race will start 30 min after Pro qualifying finishes.
Saturday - 9:00 AM, second round qualifying. Will run first round of D/S, GTD/SSD, Econo MM/PS, F/M, P/M, Hemi.
Sunday - 9:00 AM sharp - eliminations for Pro classes will start.
SS/AH: Hemi class will be run under the same rules, rear tires 1-1/16" X .380" , 5/8" scale hub, The motors will be Grp 12 quad set-up, .510" arm.
Neo Hardbody: You may run model kits or styrene bodies, windows on styrene may be left in but must be blacked out or painted different from body. Body must have at least one coat of paint. Must have 3/4" front wheels which must be vertical to track.
We will be running AA/FC, but they will run separate from Neo/FC.
For more information, call Larry (770) 736-5511, cell (404) 392-8138, or email Flashbacks@comcast.net
Flashbacks Model Raceway
3334 Highway 78 Suite 3B
Snellville, GA 30039
Note: Do not ship anything to the above address!
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- → February 2012
- → February 23, 2012
Events for February 23, 2012
in Nat'l/Reg'l
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● Southern Jamboree drag race, Snellville, GA
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February 2012
February 2012
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- → February 2012
- → February 23, 2012
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