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Events for July 14, 2012

in Nat'l/Reg'l

  • No permission to add events

----- ● SCRRA Summer Western Classic, Buena Park, CA

Three-day Retro racing event featuring Retro 1/32, Retro Can-Am, F1, and RetroPro.

Details TBA.

Buena Park Raceway
6161 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 827-9979

----- ● RMRRA Retro Racing, Longmont, CO
By hath27

Retro racing this Saturday, July 14.

Classes: F1 and Can-Am, IRRA™ rules.

Tech is at 11:30 AM and F1 race at noon, Can-Am to follow.

This will be the first race in our 2012 Fall schedule.

RMRRA invites everyone to support the local Colorado slot car track this Saturday. We want to show the track that RMRRA works hard to promote slot car racing in Colorado and we care about the future of slot car racing in the region.

We look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday!!

Slot Car Speedway and Hobbies
1935 Main Street
Longmont, CO (303
(303) 485-7616

July 2012

Celebrating Today

(61) Michael Tucker
(??) J.C.
(59) Corky Craver
(42) GogglesPizanno
Electric Dreams Online Shop