The Fall Brawl IV Retro Nationals
Thursday - Nov. 7 - RetroPro on the King (G9) - Racing begins at 7 PM - no points toward overall championship.
Friday - Nov. 8 - Coupe (FK) on the Engleman - Racing begins at 10 AM - Coupe (PD) starts 30 min after FK.
Saturday - Nov. 9 - F1 on the King (G9) - Racing begins at 10:30 AM - Saturday Night - Bench Party.
Sunday- Nov. 10 - Can-Am on the Engleman - Racing begins at 10:30 AM.
SpeedZone Raceway & Hobbies
201 Pine St.
Mt. Holly, NJ 08060
(609) 702-0146
Events for November 10, 2013
in Nat'l/Reg'l
November 2013
November 2013
Celebrating Today