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Events for June 20, 2014

in Nat'l/Reg'l

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----- ● St. Maarten International Championship
By Cheater

In June 15-22, 2014, we're holding the St. Maarten International Championship on our new Gerding G17 King track..
Welcome party on the 14th.
Sunday, June 15 - G12L, all mains, two motor, spray glue 
Monday, June 16 - practice
Tuesday, June 17 - practice
Wednesday, June 18 -  G27L
Thursday, June 19 -  G27
Friday, June 20 - Fun day: boat trip and BBQ
Saturday, June 21 - G7 OMO
Sunday, June 22 -  G7 Open
It will be the best race of the year.
Reggie Coram
St. Maarten Model Car Raceway Foundation
On the Boardwalk
Philipsburg, St. Maarten
(721) 553-1175
(786) 955-8806

June 2014

Celebrating Today

(57) SliderGreg
(58) Jim Lange
(23) Kyle Curry
Electric Dreams Online Shop