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Mike's Porsche 917

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#1 rvec


    Checkered Flag in Hand

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Posted 26 December 2022 - 05:07 PM


When Lil Pixie (Mike DeDob) expressed an interest in a short wheelbase, H-Bracket chassis for a Can-Am or Gran Sport Car, I offered to put one together for him. My stable of short wheelbase chassis then numbered four and that was just too many. The chassis I offered was one that I had mounted a GT40 MKIV body on. I thought I would simply swap the GT40 body for a Porsche 917 body and that would be that. Unfortunately I was wrong. The 917 would have to be mounted atop the side pans in order for the front valance to clear the track during deceleration. The chassis original side pans were too narrow for this type of mounting, so I searched my inventory of side pans and found a pair that would work. These were slightly modified and then affixed to the original chassis. See images below for the original and modified chassis.



I then mounted the Porsche 917 on the modified chassis (see images below)


Then it was time for the final testing phase. I found the 917 was very quick and handled like a dream. Merry Xmas Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Rich Vecchio

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