In the mid 60's I was a bit too young/unskilled to be putting together any decent scratchbuilt cars, so I spent my time modifying kits/RTR;s.................
Chris Walker
A Russkit "Carrera" with a few mods,.......was a great RTR, and now is even better.

Tucked under a McLaren,,,,,,,,,,,,

Despite being very narrow, and with a short guide lead, this Monogram Lola GT handles very well........

Quite a bit of bracing, and a heavy pan,.....transform the not so great handling of the Monogram.

This is a redo of a car I built in late 67 early 68, first with moveable sidepans.....this one got the "thumbs up" from a few of the older/experienced guys at our local track.

My first serious (or so I thought" 1/24 car was a Cox Team modified Cheetah,..........I was seriously disappointed when I ran it against some of the other cars at the track.
Since then I have been tinkering with ways to make them go, and this is the best I have come up with, it runs/handles extremely well, and by undoing 3 screws it can be reverted to stock.
This runs under a Lotus 40