With the recent closing of Tom Thumb, I have been going through my collection of slot stuff, trying to decide whether to sell some of it or not. In the process, I found a couple of old chassis I built back in the mid 80s. At that time, I was racing Group 15s in the Tri-State USRA.
This first one is the last 15 chassis I raced:
The main rails are two pieces of 0.055" wire on each side, and the guide lead is 4-11/16". The chassis is illegal under the rules at that time, but I was never called out for it. The rules called for one hinge point for the body, but on this chassis, each of the small front pans is hinged, and the rear body mounts are floated individually.
And this one is the last 15 chassis I built:
The main rails are one piece of 0.055" and two pieces of 0.047" per side. Guide lead is 4-11/16". This chassis was never raced. The USRA, in its infinite wisdom, decided to switch to steel center sections, and basically outlawed any old wire chassis in Group 15. I had built the chassis to be raced the following year, but instead, it went from jig to storage.
I don't have many complete old chassis. I was constantly stealing parts from old cars to build new ones.