The Rt. 46 Speedway
Posted 15 February 2010 - 11:30 PM
1st...Charley Humphries.....................79 laps
2nd..Dan Myers..................................76 laps
3rd...Hip Jones...................................75.8 laps
4th...Dave Seagraves.........................75.6 laps
5th...Jim Apple....................................72 laps
6th...Jim Ciccerro.................................68.5 laps
7th...Bob Saxvik..................................68.1 laps
8th...Joe Iknowno...............................60 laps
1st...Jim Apple.................................76 laps
2nd..Dan Myers...............................74 laps
3rd...Jim Ciccerro.............................73 laps
4th...Hip Jones................................68 laps
5th...Joe Iknowno...........................57 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 15 February 2010 - 11:42 PM
Pro-Am GT1
1st...Bob Saxvik...........................78 laps
2nd..Dave Seagraves...................74 laps
3rd...Larry Moyer.........................72 laps
4th...Jim Ciccerro..........................71 laps
5th...Charley Humphries...............70.10 laps
6th...Leroy Moyer.........................70.6 laps
7th...Jim Apple..............................66 laps
8th...Joe Iknowno.........................60 laps
1st...Charley Humphries..................80 laps
2nd..Jim Ciccerro..............................76.5 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves......................76.1 laps
4th...Bob Saxvik...............................75 laps
5th...Dan Myers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74 laps
6th...Jim Apple..................................72 laps
7th...Leroy Moyer.............................71.9 laps
8th...Larry Moyer..............................71.6 laps
9th...Joe Iknowno............................69 laps
1st...Larry Moyer..............................76 laps
2nd..Dave Seagraves.......................75 laps
3rd...Jim Apple..................................74.2 laps
4th...Dan Myers................................74.1 laps
5th...Jim Ciccerro..............................71.6 laps
6th...Leroy Moyer.............................71.5 laps
7th...Joe Iknowno............................59 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 15 February 2010 - 11:52 PM
4" FCR
1st...Charley Humphries......................62 laps
2nd..Dave Seagraves..........................61 laps
3rd...Dan Myers...................................55.7 laps
4th...Jim Apple.....................................55.3 laps
5th...Joe Iknowno................................51 laps
Pro-Am GT1
1st...Bob Saxvik................................79 laps
2nd..Dan Myers.................................77 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves.......................74 laps
4th...Charley Humphries...................73 laps
5th...Jim Apple..................................72 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno.............................64 laps
1st...Charley Humphries....................79 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik.................................78 laps
3rd...Dan Myers.................................77 laps
4th...Jim Apple...................................73.10 laps
5th...Dave Seagraves........................73.6 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno..............................62 laps
1st...Dan Myers...............................77.9 laps
2nd..Jim Apple.................................77.5 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves.....................77.1 laps
4th...Joe Iknowno...........................63 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 16 February 2010 - 12:31 PM
Posted 22 February 2010 - 11:51 PM
Was a packed house tonight. 11 cars in Pro-Am GT 1, 9 in Novice, and 9 in Falcon. And here are the results.
Pro-Am GT-1
1st...Bob Saxvik.......................80.6 laps
2nd..Dan Myers........................78 laps
3rd...Mike Cox..........................74.9 laps
4th...Larry Moyer......................74.8 laps
5th...Steve Breadman...............72 laps
6th...Jim Ciccerro.......................70.7 laps
7th...Jim Apple...........................70.4 laps
8th...Frank Elavsky....................70.3 laps
9th...Charley Humphries............68 laps
10th.Dave Bille...........................65 laps
11th.Joe Iknowno......................64 laps
Novice Challenge
1st...Dan Myers..........................78 laps
2nd..Jim Apple............................76.9 laps
3rd...Steve Breadman................76.6 laps
4th...Mike Cox............................73.10 laps
5th...Frank Elavsky.....................73. 9.5 laps
6th...Larry Moyer........................73.9 laps
7th...Dave Bille...........................69 laps
8th...Jim Ciccerro........................68 laps
9th...Joe Iknowno......................65 laps
1st...Charley Humphries..............79 laps
2nd..Dan Myers...........................77 laps
3rd...Bob Saxvik..........................76.3 laps
4th...Frank Elavsky.....................76.2 laps
5th...Jim Apple.............................75 laps
6th...Dave Bille............................73.10 laps
7th...Steve Breadman.................73.8 laps
8th...Jim Ciccerro.........................71 laps
9th...Joe Iknowno.......................59 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 26 February 2010 - 09:52 AM
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 03 March 2010 - 08:56 AM
Mr. Frank
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 03 March 2010 - 09:16 AM
Posted 08 March 2010 - 11:31 PM
Ran late getting out of work, so I made it just in the nick of time for Novice.
1st...Dan Myers..........................79 laps
2nd..Jim Apple............................77 laps
3rd...Jim Ciccerro........................70 laps
4th...Joe Iknowno......................65 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 09 March 2010 - 12:04 AM
The Spring Shootout and final points night for the 2009-2010 at "The Rt. 46 Speedway" "Not in but right next to Mosquito Lake".
First let me start by thanking Bob "Sax" Saxvik for inviting us all to play, but more importantly Marlane Saxvik for putting up with all the ruckus and noise for the last 20 weeks. You couldn't ask for better friends. Secondly, to all the guys that come out and make this so much.
And without further ado.
4" FCR Points
1st...Charley Humphries..500 points (Swept all 3 seasons)
2nd..Dave Seagraves.......275 points
3rd...Jim Ciccerro.............175 points
3rd...Jim Apple..................175 points
Pro-Am Points
1st...Bob Saxvik................500 points
2nd..Jim Apple...................175 points
3rd...Charley Humphries..150 points
3rd...Dan Myers.................150 points
3rd...Jim Ciccerro..............150 points
Falcon Results
1st...Bob Saxvik......................81.9.5 laps
2nd..Charley Humphries.........77 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves.............75 laps
4th...Jim Apple........................74.7 laps
5th...Dan Myers......................74.5 laps
6th...Jim Ciccerro....................68 laps
7th...Mike Cox.........................65 laps
8th...Joe Iknowno...................57 laps
Falcon Points
1st...Charley Humphries..475 points
2nd..Bob Saxvik...............350 points
3rd...Dan Myers...............250 points
Novice Results
1st...Dan Myers..................78 laps
2nd..Dave Seagraves.........75.6 laps
3rd...Hip Jones...................75.1 laps
4th...Jim Apple....................74 laps
5th...Jim Ciccerro................72 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno...............67 laps
Novice Points
1st...Dan Myers................475 points (3 time, 3 time, 3 time Champion)
2nd..Jim Apple..................375 points
3rd...Dave Seagraves......200 points
And as we did last year one last award.
Hard Charger Award winner.
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 09 March 2010 - 05:54 AM
And a hats off to Dan for posting every week.
See you in the fall, eh, all?
Thanks again,
Posted 01 November 2010 - 09:36 PM
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 09 November 2010 - 05:07 PM
Mr. Frank
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 09 November 2010 - 05:28 PM
We had six racers and ran all four classes. I'll let Cable Guy give you the results. I'm sure he's got plenty to say??? You know Dan. I don't want to step on his calling!
Posted 11 November 2010 - 12:59 AM
We had Six guys as Sax stated and good time for sure. No points were awarded by a unanimous vote since alot of the regulars weren't there this week.
Kicked it all of with.....
4" FCR
1st...Charley Humphries...62 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik..................61 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist...........59 laps
4th...Dan Myers...................58 laps
5th...Dave Seagraves.........57 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno...............51 laps
1st...Jim Applequist......74 laps
2nd..Dave Seagraves...73 laps
3rd...Joe Iknowno..........58 laps
1st...Charley Humphries..........78 laps
2nd..Jim Applequist..................77.7 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves...............77.1 laps
4th...Bob Saxvik..........................76 laps
5th...Dan Myers..........................71 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno......................62 laps
Pro GT-1
1st...Dan Myers.........................78.7 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik........................78.5 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist.................74 laps
4th...Charley Humphries.........71 laps
5th...Dave Seagraves...............69 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno......................59 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 16 November 2010 - 12:35 AM
Start of the 2010-2011 Fall points season, and the Rt. 93 outsiders invaded "The Rt. 46 Speedway" we had a couple of the locals M.I.A. but still had 9 racers.
1st...Charley Humphries.............62.8 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik.............................62.1 laps
3rd...Steve Breadman..................61 laps
4th...Jim Applequist......................60.10 laps
5th...Dan Myers..............................60.3 laps
6th...Dave Bille...............................55 laps
7th...Joe Iknowno..........................53.5 laps
8th...Dave Seagraves...................53.1 laps
9th...Frank Elavsky........................44 laps (Someone needs to teach him to solder pinions on).
1st...Frank Elavsky........................76 laps
2nd..Steve Breadman..................74 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist.....................71 laps
4th...Dave Bille..............................69.10 laps
5th...Dave Seagraves..................69.9 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno.........................61 laps
1st...Bob Saxvik...........................79 laps
2nd..Jim Applequist...................78 laps
3rd...Steve Breadman................75.10 laps
4th...Frank Elavsky.....................75.1 laps
5th...Dan Myers............................73 laps
6th...Dave Bille.............................72.10 laps
7th...Dave Seagraves.................72.9 laps
8th...Charley Humphries...........68 laps
9th...Joe Iknowno........................56 laps
Pro GT-1
1st...Bob Saxvik.........................78 laps
2nd..Dan Myers.........................76.7 laps
3rd...Charley Humphries.........76.4 laps
4th...Jim Applequist..................73 laps
5th...Frank Elavsky....................72 laps
6th...Steve Breadman...............71 laps
7th...Dave Seagraves................68 laps
8th...Dave Bille...........................67 laps
9th...Joe Iknowno.......................60 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 16 November 2010 - 08:49 AM
I hope you guys made him disconnect his brake wire...
Posted 16 November 2010 - 11:58 AM
To finish First you must first Finish
Posted 16 November 2010 - 03:23 PM
See ya all real soon...
Mr. Frank
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 16 November 2010 - 07:30 PM
Posted 23 November 2010 - 02:25 AM
Point's night number two. We had 8 racers tonight. Your "Chicken Shizzer" of the week goes to Larry Moyer. It was just as hot on the track as it was outside tonight to boot.
We came out guns blazing with the 4" FCR's and here was how it all shook out.
4" FCR
1st...Bob Saxvik............................63 laps
2nd..Charley Humphries...........62 laps
3rd...Dan Myers............................61 laps
4th...Jim Applequist.....................59 laps
5th...Jim Ciccerro.........................57.8 laps
6th...Larry Moyer...........................57.2 laps
7th...Dave Seagraves.................56 laps
8th...Joe Iknowno........................52 laps
From that barn burner we went off to Novice. We came up with a better name for the class but I'll be damned if I can't even think what we said. Must have gotten too close to all the smoke tonight. Any way here was how that shook out.
1st...Jim Ciccerro........................74 laps
2nd..Jim Applequist....................73 laps
3rd...Larry Moyer..........................72.9 laps
4th...Dave Seagraves.................72.7 laps
5th...Joe Iknowno........................61 laps
After Novice, we found ourselves with the biggest surprises of the night in the Falcon class, as new faces were at the top and the normal front runners found themselves just hanging on to try and salvage some points.
1st...Larry Moyer.........................78 laps
2nd..Dan Myers..........................74.2 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves...............74.1 laps
4th...Jim Applequist...................73 laps
5th...Jim Ciccerro.......................71.10 laps
6th...Bob Saxvik..........................71.4 laps
7th...Charley Humphries..........67 laps
8th...Joe Iknowno.......................64 laps
Finally, we found ourselves face to face with the Pro GT-1 race remaining and during the warm up laps "Sax" looked nervous as "The Cable Guy" was turning low 4.2's on blue, compared to "Sax's" 4.3's.
Pro GT-1
1st...Bob Saxvik.............................78 laps
2nd..Dan Myers.............................74.10 laps
3rd...Charley Humphries.............74.1 laps
4th...Jim Applequist.......................73 laps
5th...Larry Moyer.............................72.4 laps
6th...Dave Seagraves...................72.1 laps
7th...Jim Ciccerro..........................69 laps
8th...Joe Iknowno..........................64 laps
We will see everyone next Monday. Same place, same time. Till then everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 01 December 2010 - 09:11 AM
Mr. Frank
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 02 December 2010 - 11:38 PM
Only had 6 guys this week so it was a quick night of racing action.
4" FCR
1st...Charlie Humphries.......63 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik......................62 laps
3rd...Dan Myers......................61 laps
4th...Jim Applequist...............60 laps
5th...Joe Iknowno...................53 laps
6th...Jim Ciccerro..................50 laps
Next up was our newly named Novice class that we are now referring to as the "Semi-Pro" division.
1st...Jim Ciccerro................75 laps
2nd..Jim Applequist............71 laps
3rd...Joe Iknowno................56 laps
1st...Charlie Humphries............78 laps
2nd..Dan Myers...........................75 laps
3rd...Bob Saxvik..........................72 laps
4th...Jim Applequist...................71 laps
5th...Jim Ciccerro.......................70 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno.......................63 laps
Pro GT-1
1st...Charlie Humphries..............79 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik.............................77 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist......................75 laps
4th...Dan Myers..............................73 laps
5th...Jim Ciccerro..........................72 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno..........................61 laps
We are now half way through our fall series see you all next Monday Dec. 6, 2010 around 7 pm for race #4 of 6 in the fall series.
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 13 December 2010 - 11:15 PM
Sorry for the late posting on the results, I had to go to bed early last week as I had an early interview on Tuesday morning. But here they are.
1st...Bob Saxvik............................................63 laps
2nd..Charley Humphries............................61 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves..................................60 laps
4th...Dan Myers.............................................58.10 laps
5th...Jim Applequist.....................................58.5 laps
6th...Larry Moyer...........................................56 laps
7th...Joe Iknowno.........................................53 laps
1st...Larry Moyer.............................73 laps
2nd..Jim Applequist......................72 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves...................70 laps
4th...Joe Iknowno..........................61 laps
1st...Charley Humphries..............78 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik..............................75 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist......................73 laps
4th...Dave Seagraves...................71.10 laps
5th...Dan Myers..............................71,2 laps
6th...Larry Moyer............................63 laps
7th...Joe Iknowno..........................60 laps
Pro GT-1
1st...Bob Saxvik............................77 laps
2nd..Larry Moyer...........................76 laps
3rd...Charley Humphries............75 laps
4th...Jim Applequist.....................72.10 laps
5th...Dan Myers.............................72.7 laps
6th...Joe Iknowno.........................58 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???
Posted 13 December 2010 - 11:26 PM
1st...Bob Saxvik..............................62 laps
2nd..Charley Humphries..............59.10 laps
3rd...Dan Myers..............................59.7 laps
4th...Jim Applequist.......................58 laps
5th...Dave Seagraves....................57 laps
6th...Larry Moyer.............................53 laps
1st...Larry Moyer............................75 laps
2nd..Jim Applequist.....................74 laps
3rd...Dave Seagraves..................69 laps
4th...Leroy Moyer...........................64 laps
1st...Charley Humphries..............77 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik..............................76 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist.......................72.8 laps
4th...Dan Myers...............................72.7 laps
5th...Dave Seagraves....................72.6 laps
6th...Larry Moyer.............................67 laps
Pro GT-1
1st...Charley Humphries................77.10 laps
2nd..Bob Saxvik................................77.5 laps
3rd...Jim Applequist.........................75 laps
4th...Larry Moyer...............................74 laps
5th...Dan Myers................................71 laps
6th...Dave Seagraves.....................70 laps
7th...Leroy Moyer..............................66 laps
Some day this will be fun again. Right???