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1966 Rod & Custom Lotus GP

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#126 Prof. Fate

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Posted 20 July 2009 - 01:12 PM


I did ONE drop arm llike that, and replaced it. Here was the evolution in MY mind. I copied the popular LA thing. The pulled the russkit rubber donut off because it kept coming off and replaced it with a Dubro collet(my background in model airplanes, the collar was standard for holding wheels on). Then too cheap to pop 29cents for a brass weight, I used lead sheet out of my dad's welding shop. I realized it worked better because the lead sheet reduced the flex in the drop arm..

So, reasoned I could just do multiple rods or just a SHEET.

I need to get around to restoring the survivors. The hold up was always that of the russkit set screw type wheels, which NOW everyone has.

Rocky Russo
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#127 flarimer



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 11:31 PM

Rick - man, I about fell offa my chair when I saw the photos of the finished car. That is so sweet! Way nicer than mine was back in "the day". Thanks for re-creating one of my all time favorite cars. Perhaps one of these days my travels will see me in/near Vallejo. You betcha I'd love to meet up with and shake your hand.

Again, thanks. I hope you had fun with the build and look forward to hearing how your car runs and handles.

Fred Larimer
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#128 Noose


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:04 AM

Super super super Rick!

Joe "Noose" Neumeister
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#129 Marty Stanley

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Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:20 AM


You have now set the 'standard' for all other R&C cars to be judged by. Your Lotus is truly a piece of artwork!

If anyone feels that you are not 1000% in compliance with both the intent and the spirit of the rules that state "Remember that your build must be in the spirit of the 1966 "Rod & Custom" magazine racing series. The chassis must reflect the ones shown in the race reports in the pages of the magazine, published all over the Internet. Forget the technology you have learned in the past 43 years, R&C F1 has no place for it." They are just so wrong!

So much attention to detail!

There is a thread about being humbled. I think you just put the work humility into everyone's vocabulary.

That car is just so perfect!

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Marty Stanley
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#130 dc-65x


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 02:28 PM

Thanks Fred but your original is still the top dog :wub: . Maybe when I do a replica "Magazine Car" version of it I'll get closer :) .

Thanks Noose :D

Hey Marty, I'm glad you enjoyed the build. It's fun for me to share and I pick up lots of "tips and tricks" from the guys here.

This car isn't meant to be a "Retro Racer" though. I guess it's more of a "Replica Racer". The only "rules" I follow are the original ones written back in the day. Of course I try to use as many period "Korrect" parts and designs as I can. When I'm done building (which is the real fun for me) I hope the car will run and handle like the originals did. An old guy reliving a bit of the past I guess....... ;) :)

Rick Thigpen
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#131 tonyp


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 03:18 PM

As usual Excellent!

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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#132 Hworth08


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 05:12 PM

[quote name='dc-65x' date='Jul 21 2009, 12:28 PM' post='178571'

This car isn't meant to be a "Retro Racer" though. I guess it's more of a "Replica Racer". The only "rules" I follow are the original ones written back in the day.

A "Replica Racer". Now that's a good title! With a motor low-powered enough that the builder will shear every gram possible. Just a thought? :)
Don Hollingsworth
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#133 dc-65x


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 06:59 PM

Hi Don,

Actually, I try to match the power of the period cars too. That usually means the Tim Allen approach...."MORE POWER!" Of course a '66 motor is a little meek compared to a '73 Pooch "six-seven" motor. But we do have period rewinds for comparison. I'll never forget the first time I saw my buddy Rodney run his 1967 Car Model style Chaparral 2D on the King. The thing had a NOS Mura or Lenz silver wire motor that just screamed down the straight. Fun stuff!

Rick Thigpen
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#134 Prof. Fate

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Posted 22 July 2009 - 12:03 PM


A long time ago, I found rules changes making good cars obsolete. Starting then, I decided that there were a couple aspects to my hobby. Cars that were currently legal for racing, and cars I wanted for the old "kid playing with toys" part of my life.

A lot of my "big scale tire" period cars, keeping them in parts, led to a lot of my contacts with people like Philippe. Looking for the PARTS to keep the survivors running. I race with the retro guys sometimes, but most of the racing I do actually involves an old friend and I running the survivors from the day.

New builds usually involve taking a bit and restoring all the bits cannibalized for other cars. Or doing a replica for someone.

I digressed.

It is YOUR hobby. I do the cars I want my way, and YOU should do the cars you want YOUR way. And, hopefully, sometimes WE can get together and play "I'll show you mine if you show me your's ".


My current efforts are trying to get people like Duffy who didn't keep stuff and missed a lot of the cool bits, into his OWN stuff.

And I admire how, all over the place, over the years, people have jumped in to help others get their bits.

Rocky Russo
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#135 Duffy


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Posted 22 July 2009 - 06:12 PM

My current efforts are trying to get people like Duffy who didn't keep stuff and missed a lot of the cool bits, into his OWN stuff.

Awwwwww. D'at sweeeet.

I wonder if anybody shares my particular neurosis (Don't say "which one," smartass, I'm telling you!)--a couple guys are doing this CARE-Package thing, & I'm truly grateful, but I am having a problem getting up to using the bits: I mean, so I get a set of brass bevel gears, how cool, but now they become Precious--what'll I use them on? what if the car isn't worthy? What if some better application shows up? --And, here, this vintage motor--Precious, yup, what if I cook the endbell and can't replace it? Ohh dear ohh dear...

I imagine it will all go away in time. Put a couple cars into the wall, paste 'em back up, I'll be better.

Michael J. Heinrich
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#136 dc-65x


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Posted 22 July 2009 - 06:39 PM

.........but most of the racing I do actually involves an old friend and I running the survivors from the day.

Me too Rocky. I run my replica's and Rodney runs mostly Survivors. Great fun.

...........but now they become Precious--what'll I use them on? what if the car isn't worthy? What if some better application shows up?

Don't worry Duffy. "Da Box" will be on it's way soon. You need more junk so it won't be precious anymore, just cool stuff to build with :) .


Rick Thigpen
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#137 Tex


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Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:44 PM


I'm sure you'll think up a worthy project for your brass bevel gears. When I first got on Slotblog! three years ago, I got inspired reading about the old-timers like Rocky who still have their original cars from back in the day. I felt bad that I was such a typical "instant gratification" 12-year old dweeb back then and chunked it in the can once I no longer used "it"(whatever it was). I had no original cars from back in the day. At the same time, I was also inspired by reading about the slot cars that preceded my introduction into commercial slot car tracks. I "grew up" with can motors, specifically Cox cars. But once I joined Slotblog!, I loved reading about the Pittman's and padlock motors and the cars they went in. I wound up gathering the parts(including brass beveled gears!) and building a "new vintage" F1 slot car using a NOS Pittman 196B motor; it was my way of paying homage to the slot car pioneers that preceded my entry into the hobby. I've now acquired several NOS padlock motors and intend to build more "new vintage" slot cars. Become part of the renaissance; you'll do it proud!
Richard L. Hofer

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#138 Duffy


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Posted 22 July 2009 - 09:31 PM

Thanks for that, Tex.

Fate & I both are well-trod in anachronistic hobbies, and understand the "Community" nature of these things. I talk a lot of how it was like in the Old Good Days, when you popped down the block at noon or so (having slept in from watching Steve Allen the night before, ooooohh they had George Barris' new car in the driveway at the studio, y'see that? And Lance LeGault, wow) to Randy's place, Randy whose Dad had routed him a 4x8 track, and the afternoon was spent soldering and running and talking and swapping and borrowing and planning and and and--

--And now we have the 'Net and Slotblog, where the "down the block" is a leeetle bit bigger, but it's much the same otherwise.

I like it.

Michael J. Heinrich
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#139 Prof. Fate

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 02:00 PM


One of the things that shows MY failings. I don't remember what my girlfriend looked like in the day...but I remember the stuff I worked on!

In the day, I would have parts migrate from car to car, with bits going in the box. And sometimes, looking for smething, i will open a box, see a minor bit and suddenly remember the whole car it went to! I first hooked up with P a long time ago because he was looking for NOS cars and kits and I was looking for bits and we started trading.

It takes more time to actually restore some oldie than it did, in the day, to just build it from scratch!

It irritates the locals that I don't study their rules and try to figure them out so I can race, but I spend all this effort to restore some old bit so that my buddy and I can race.

I was talking to ron about the new F1s he is doing. And had a stray memory. Back in the day, I won a couple of Russkit bodies. At least the 1/32 was pre-painted. And all things, I built some of my first anglewinders under the 1/24 and 1/32 bodies. And, somehow, they disappeared. Used dynamic brackets. And I could see the cars, but didn't have any of the bits surviving. So, I asked ron for a couple of his re-pops of the 1/24 Cro Sal Olds body. The car in my head needs building!

There is NO retro class for it.... anglwinder, 16d endbell drive plumber only. Sigh.

Rocky Russo
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