Strange things happening at T/R Motorplex
Posted 31 October 2009 - 05:27 PM
Loud noises were heard as well as strange terms: lead on, finger, donut, 90, brade, wireing harness, power supplies. 16d batteries, race director stand, STR and the last one DEAD MAN.
Could this have something to do with the Halloween season?
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 31 October 2009 - 05:51 PM

Posted 31 October 2009 - 06:02 PM

Jim "Butch" Dunaway
I don't always go the extra mile, but when I do it's because I missed my exit.
All my life I've strived to keep from becoming a millionaire, so far I've succeeded.
There are three kinds of people in the world, those that are good at math and those that aren't.
No matter how big of a hammer you use, you can't pound common sense into stupid people, believe me, I've tried.
Posted 31 October 2009 - 09:25 PM
I heard all the commotion on the 3rd floor too. The Nebraska dude is assembling something the likes of which I have never seen before.
Posted 01 November 2009 - 11:19 PM
The dead-man only turns less that that and the finger may not be banked quite that much. The 90 is banked about 12* and the donut is 10* on entry, 5* on exit. The lead on is 5* on entry and 15* on exit.
The man said this track is built for speed.
Posted 02 November 2009 - 08:16 AM

The talk last year was that track is actually owned by Koford, and will be used as a 'test' track for their wing car motors...

For retro racing... bring horsepower!

On a similar track at MiMi's in Maryland retro cars flirt with sub-4 second laps on 13.5 volts...

You guys need to work with the TR folks on the voltage, since it is primarily a wing car deal. Anything above 13.5 may be dangerous to your health. 12.5 would be better, particularly for the Falcon folks.
Enjoy, they are fun. And, with the WIDE lane spacing, you are even safe to pass Pappy on the outside in the donut...

Posted 02 November 2009 - 08:54 AM
That's right, and I invite you to test that theory.And, with the WIDE lane spacing, you are even safe to pass Pappy on the outside in the donut...

Jim "Butch" Dunaway
I don't always go the extra mile, but when I do it's because I missed my exit.
All my life I've strived to keep from becoming a millionaire, so far I've succeeded.
There are three kinds of people in the world, those that are good at math and those that aren't.
No matter how big of a hammer you use, you can't pound common sense into stupid people, believe me, I've tried.
Posted 02 November 2009 - 09:21 AM
As far as track voltage, it's going to be 13.5V. That's what the power supplies put out and what the batteries will be able to handle. The wiring looms are 10, 12 & 14 gauge. Based on the length of the loom the different gauges will be used so all sections of the track will have the same resistance between the power supply and the track.
At 13.5V it should be OK for retro. It's probably going to be more of a motor track than an original American King; however, the car(s) that carry more speed off the corners (handling) are still going to appear to be faster down the straights.
Wed. is a maybe. Gary hopes it will be ready and he would like to have a race on it just to make sure there are no problems with the track before heading back to Nebraska. Bring your car and some spare guides.
Posted 02 November 2009 - 09:57 AM
Can I just borrow a car from you, I don't want to bust mine up till I know what works.

Jim "Butch" Dunaway
I don't always go the extra mile, but when I do it's because I missed my exit.
All my life I've strived to keep from becoming a millionaire, so far I've succeeded.
There are three kinds of people in the world, those that are good at math and those that aren't.
No matter how big of a hammer you use, you can't pound common sense into stupid people, believe me, I've tried.
Posted 02 November 2009 - 10:05 AM
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, mikeswiss86@hotmail.com (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559
Posted 02 November 2009 - 10:43 AM
Can I just borrow a car from you, I don't want to bust mine up till I know what works.![]()
I can bust my own cars up just fine thank you.