Hi John
being a Cuc aficionados I have a few examples of original Cucs and cut up ones with the 26D motor.
Here's the original one, the very first one with translucent body with the original TTX 150 Cox motor:

You can see it has "square" venting holes:

And the orginal clip is the 4809:

Here you have the SuperCuc, with the 2 guide holes, 4 screw posts chassis typical of it but also of Jean-Michel Cheetaracha (there was also the 1 guide hole, 4 screw posts, typical of the non translucent 2nd generation Cuc which might be the one you have):

It has the oval holes Nascar 3600 motor same size of the TTX 150 but more powerful:

Clip is the same as the 4809 Cuc's above.
Here's a wholly closed, no vents, SuperNascar motor with an handmade clip by Brian McPherson (One Track Mind on Sblog) on the Chrome Rocket Cuc (also made by Brian):

And finally here we have two 26D Cucs examples with custom made adapters:
a nylon one by Frank Vantine (RIP), which allows the motor to be in the same position as the 16D sized ones above:

In this case the clip is a 4854 one (Brian also makes them custom made instead of the original):

And this ones in aluminum, by BWA, which slightly centers the 26D in the chassis and which needs a longer pinion or a 31 or 33 T crown instead of the original 29T (a good thing for the rewound 26D!) :

That said if I were you I would keep your Cuc as is, since it looks like a good example of what was being done in 67 with racing cut up Cucs with 26Ds.
Kind regards
PS here, in a display of shameless vanity, my Cuc factory:

my Cuc collection:

And my all original 1967 Cut Up Cuc (motor was fixed with just 1 screw in the rear post !):