Oscar,dont wanna burst you guys bubbles out there,but there aint no set of bushing that can spin an axle/tires/gear or motor like ball bearings... your fooling yourself,if you think that,,,,,,,lol
If ball bearings were that superior, every VW and Porsche race car would be using a Hirth-style built-up crank and ball/roller bearings, don't you think? And you know they don't...
I do agree with you that quality ball bearings are the ultimate, but the right bushings installed the correct way ain't that far behind... maybe a couple of percent or so.
If you can install rear axle bushings such that when you pick the chassis up off the table (under the proper conditions) the rear axle assembly self-rotates to put the heavy side down, you've got pretty decent bushings IMO. And yes, I can make that happen most of the time with the correct bushings and alignment technique.