Cool idea
Check out the APC brand of propellers (Tower has 'em)
The "E" and "SF" series are specifically designed for electric power.
The "SF" or Slow Flyer have a highly cambered and thinner airfoiled blade designed for max. efficiency at lower r.p.m. (around 10K or less) but I don't think they have one small enough for what youze guys might need?
The "E" series are designed for substantially more powerful motors on faster models and will take much higher r.p.m. and they have 'em in smaller diameters. Maybe some of the props for "Speed 400" motors will work for you, seeing as you're using gear reduction?
GWS also makes a good (thin, light and efficient) elec. prop...and they're cheap so you can experiment with different diameters and pitches w/o spending a lot.
Props that were originally designed to work on glow engines aren't all that good on an elec. motor...they are unnecessarily heavy and thicker blades absorb too much power with less thrust in return.
I've been flying R/C with electric power for about 10 years...
Started w/ brushed motors and Ni/Cd's and now with brushless motors and Li/Po and Li/Ion batteries...amazing developments in the past several years!