Flat track racing at BPR
Posted 31 May 2010 - 05:54 PM
Just an FYI that we are racing on June 19.
George Russell, Herman James, and Fred Hood are coming to town with guns ablazing. The calendar will have the schedule here shortly. Start getting it together and let's make this race a good one. This will be the first race under the new owner of BPR so come on down.
Classes to be raced are:
ISRA Production
Euro F1
Eurosport 1/24
Mike Aguirre
Posted 31 May 2010 - 11:16 PM
Do you know when the 100 buck cars race? Is it this weekend?
Posted 01 June 2010 - 11:15 AM
Yes, it is this coming weekend!!!
Mike Aguirre
Posted 02 June 2010 - 11:09 AM

See you guys on the 19th!
George, Herman, Fred
George Russell
Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:37 PM
Five-time USRA Champion
Posted 03 June 2010 - 01:25 AM
Mike Boemker
Posted 04 June 2010 - 11:00 PM
James, tell Zac "da Player" happy birthday...I would love to race with you guys but we will be driving back from the PGA Open at Pebble Beach that day. Hope you guys have a blast.
Mike Aguirre
Posted 14 June 2010 - 10:32 AM
Mike Who now has the "magic" F1 car for BPR!!! I'm going to come down and see ya race that baby, Mike!!!!
Who Racing takes F1 by storm!!!
Posted 14 June 2010 - 12:10 PM
I have some gears and tires for that car (maybe)...

recovering slotaholic
Posted 14 June 2010 - 10:29 PM
If that's the same car I think it is, we are in trouble. I may live to regret allowing that car to leave my stable.
I have some gears and tires for that car (maybe)...
It's THAT CAR Herman!!! I don't know why you ever sold it to me. That thing is MAGIC on the BPR flat track!!! Ask George--- he chased it all day at Lee Gilbert's flat track race here last year!!!

Posted 15 June 2010 - 01:36 AM
Mike Boemker
Posted 15 June 2010 - 01:08 PM
It's THAT CAR Herman!!! I don't know why you ever sold it to me. That thing is MAGIC on the BPR flat track!!! Ask George--- he chased it all day at Lee Gilbert's flat track race here last year!!!
George Russell
Posted 19 June 2010 - 05:59 PM
Posted 20 June 2010 - 12:34 AM

DANG!!! I don't have time to get over there---I hope Mike is keeping the "legend" alive in the F-1 class!!! Go get em Mikey!!!!
recovering slotaholic
Posted 20 June 2010 - 12:35 AM

DANG!!! I don't have time to get over there---I hope Mike is keeping the "legend" alive in the F-1 class!!! Go get em Mikey!!!!
recovering slotaholic
Posted 20 June 2010 - 12:43 AM
Heard about it but, I think you guys that where there should tell the story what happened?

I heard there was enough of you to race but something went wrong and I don't know the details?

Nesta Szabo
In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)
United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.
Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.
Posted 20 June 2010 - 01:42 AM
They left without paying their tabs.
There will be no more tabs for the near future.
The new owner is not pleased. . .
"Just once I want my life to be like an '80s movie,
preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason."
Posted 20 June 2010 - 10:32 AM
The offer of running a 4 on/4 off race was not welcomed by the Visitors.
They left without paying their tabs.
There will be no more tabs for the near future.
The new owner is not pleased. . .
Dennis, thanks for posting this information. When I was a track owner and racers did not pay their tabs I was also not happy, so I am very sorry for Jim's misfortune in that regard. Personally, I purchased some parts and an all day track pass and paid cash immediately. I used my all day track pass for a total of perhaps 10 minutes before the track power was cut. I did not ask for a refund for my 10 minutes of track use for $10 to support the new track owner.
As you recall, Herman and I arrived around 9am and nobody was running on the track. It had been cleaned the day before with Coleman fuel, then left overnight with no spray glue. The year is 2010 and for a long time we have known track cleaning with Coleman fuel is the absolute worst cleaning solvent because it leaves an oily residue on the surface. This residue attracts dust really quickly. We have been through this clown show before at Buena Park Raceway. Race organizers Mike Aguirre and Tim Hould listened to the suggestion to switch to the correct track cleaning method, much to their credit. When you run your car on a Coleman track, your tires get covered with above referenced dust and will not handle. Tracks are cleaned successfully with naphtha which leaves the surface bone dry and free of residue. The spray glue mixture should also be applied with naphtha.
One more thing about track cleaning. Racers who prefer using Coleman fuel for their own personal agenda will argue that naphtha acts as a solvent on the braid glue and then the braid comes up all over the place. This, of course, is silly and another aspect of the whole Coleman Clown Show. Please refer to raceways all over the USA using naphtha and the braid not coming unglued. Braid will only come unglued if you use too much of ANY solvent including Coleman. One way to clean a track correctly, if you are cleaning by yourself, is to soak a rag with naphtha, then wring out most of the excess solvent. Use this rag with one hand to clean, and in your other hand have a dry rag. Clean with naphtha rag, then immediately wipe completely dry with the other rag. This is good exercise and helps build upper body strength while at the same time cleaning the track correctly so the racers are happy with slot cars that handle the way they should.
Getting back to my account of what happened yesterday, about 10 minutes after we arrived, Adam sprayed glue mixture on top of the overnight dust collection. We waited about 15 minutes for this mixture of dust, oil and tire glue to set up (please note: you can drive almost immediately after spraying naphtha glue mix) and then found the track to be loose and undriveable. Although I am not a nuclear physicist, I did have the intelligence to know why this was true. I then hooked up to yellow and was only able to manage 3.5s with my GT12 cars on 15 feet choke which was pretty pathetic compared to past experience.
About 10 minutes into sliding my cars around the track, Jim got up on the race director's podium to tell us what he wanted us to do. He wanted us to race four lanes at a time so there would be turn marshalls, and asked if anybody knew how to set this up on the SRT program. Nobody knew how to set it up that way. Jim then got down from the race director's podium and I don't know what happened to him after that. He sort of disappeared until I saw him walk by my pit area. I was sitting at my pit area because my controller was still hooked up to yellow, but the track was still off. When Jim walked by, I told him that I personally did not mind just testing my cars for the day, but he responded that he needed to have a race so that he could produce income and keep his raceway open. After that brief exchange of words, I did not see Jim until about 45 minutes later when he appeared to be doing something else at the rear entrance of the store. The track power was still off.
Those of us who drove 400 miles south then agreed it would be good to leave so we could drive home by dinner time. So, we packed up our things and drove home. I got home a little after 7pm and got a call from Fred who had arrived in Madera about 45 minutes earlier. The only saving grace of this trip was the fact Philipe's Famous French Dip Sandwiches was on the way home in downtown Los Angeles. Herman and I stopped there, the lines were very short, and we ordered lamb sandwiches, Sharp's non alcoholic beer and side salads.
All I can say is that I hope we can use this as a learning experience. My own personal learning was that before I return to Buena Park Raceway I will have to watch Slotblog from the Bay Area on my computer and see how scale racing is in the future. I hope that a successful program emerges from yesterday.
George Russell
Posted 20 June 2010 - 04:32 PM
While I can understand at a certain level the NorCal guys being disappointed them leaving it left me pretty unhappy that they couldn't be bothered by racing under what was slightly slimy conditions. I've known Fred Hood since the Mid 70's. The track was better than 99% of what we raced on for most of the first 30 years I knew him. It would have been a nice show of support for the new owner and for the locals who did show up including Duran Trujillo, Foamy and myself to have a race. The message sent to the new owner came across as why bother with these guys as they didn't explain the stuff in the previous post to him or to myself or Foamy before leaving.
This race could have been a building block for the future of this class instead it hurt the perception of scale racing to the local racer and to the new owner. Maybe next time all parties can get it right.
Mike Boemker
Posted 20 June 2010 - 04:45 PM

I have seen this same type of method used for track cleaning down at BP when I have gone down there for D-3 /Jail Door racing in the past. I have said it many times and posted it here on the "BLOG" this is not how it is done, let alone hours before a race. I'm glad I went to work instead of going down to B.P. with you guys to try and race GT-12's on oil.(Actually I was going with Mil Conroy and Phil Nyland to the Save Mart 350 until I got called out on 5 pole fires from the wild fires that hit the Tracy/Livermore foothills Friday night) From what I can tell is just this..... The "Wing Racers" are now "Flat Track Racers"

Now.... Take them very same wing racers and put them in charge of a flat track, they will and do clean the the track with "GASOLINE" Because they know no different. When myself and Fred went down for the first "JAIL DOOR" enduro that Mil organized, it was agreed on that we would get to prep the track. This was met with some STRONG disagreements, and was still not done correctly as the "TOREMIESTER"

Maybe these very same wing/flat track racers need to venture out of B.P. and come up to NorCa to see what a correctly cleaned/glued flat track is all about and then they will have a idea on how the rest of the "FLAT TRACKS" accross the U.S. and over the "POND" race this style of slotcars known as "FLAT TRACK RACING". I have nothing against B.P. racers as many are my friends

As far as the tabs go Dennis, this has always something that is taken care of when the race is over.... Or in this case.....a race that was never started for various reasons? Tabs are something that both parties agree on, and are aware of. They also know that they have to take care of it after the week-ends/day of racing is over. To see you make a post of this nature is a cheap shot

Posted 20 June 2010 - 06:57 PM

Five-time USRA Champion
Posted 20 June 2010 - 10:27 PM
It was on a magnitude of 50 times worse than a coleman cleaned track.
If a certain type of or brand of cleaner is the "hot tip", something should have been said instead of leaving.
A Home
Nothing was said to "us, the locals".
I fail to see what in my last post was a "cheap shot", or "low blow".
Nothing in my last post not factual.
Not posting anymore on this topic. . .
"Just once I want my life to be like an '80s movie,
preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason."
Posted 20 June 2010 - 10:52 PM

I guess Jim is new in this venture and everyone will learn from this?
Life is good and we got to take it one way or other, live and learn.
Nesta Szabo
In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)
United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.
Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.
Posted 20 June 2010 - 11:29 PM
It's a shame that guys came from a long distance and were faced with a variety of problems. I would like to think the new owners would have listened to any reasonable solution to the problems. With this past weekend being the first weekend of ownership for them, perhaps it would make sense to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I know that neither the new owners, nor Tim or Mike would have wished for that type of outcome.
I would also suggest that suggestions to the new owners probably should be communicated directly by phone or even snail mail unless someone knows for a fact that they have computer access or knowledge of this site. As few tracks as there are, it would seem everyone would like them to be successful in their new venture.
Posted 21 June 2010 - 11:53 AM
"Good luck" to Jim-- I know all these guys and their good people---I'm sure if anyone walked on a tab it was an error-- please be sure guys to get hold of Jim and pay any tabs!
BPR is the last good quality place to race in the South-- I know the locals will work with your to help make it a viable race place Jim---but if you are able to channel the "spirit" of Chris Gallegos at all--remember-- he always stuck up for the racers---and provided a great "fully prepared" place to play. He stepped up whenever necessary to ensure tracks were cleaned-- he didn't leave everything up to the racers unless he could-- he hired guys to clean the tracks from time-to time-- and spray glued them himself, And he always said--"I'll be sure my place is ready to race"--then the racers need to know they can come and race!! The last few years--MANY racers stepped up to help---and it became like a big racer's club---but it was not always case. Jim needs to remember--it IS a business---and if it's going to be successful--he'll need to step up and have the tracks READY TO RACE> you can't rely on someone else to do it. I wish you well and hope that BPR remains for a long time!!! Good luck and good racing!!