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"Narrow" Retro32 Enduro race report

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#26 The Bugman

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Posted 05 May 2011 - 09:23 AM


Nesta, you heard your crap about JDs from John Cukras (prob at the Enduro),I'm totally positive. Why do I know... because we (JC and I) discuss this all the time. He also doesn't like the JDs the way they are.

I'll tell you the exact same thing I tell him:

"You don't like 'em, don't run 'em".

A lot of US enjoy the class. No one is gonna miss you, or anyone else, because you don't, and the POWERS THAT BE ain't gonna change 'em just for a couple guys that don't like 'em.

Stay home ,and quit yer "little girl whining"(or for you its wine-ing... LOL, and just run what you want.

'Nuff said here...
Oscar Morales
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#27 Prof. Fate

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Posted 05 May 2011 - 12:06 PM


Nesta, assuming Charlie Nelson and I actually make the trip to BP for the Western States, one of the things I will have with me are actual survivors from '66 and the rules of the time. It might not be clear from the photos how this worked, and perhaps in person, you will see what some of us talk about.

I have not built a modern rules "Jail Door" car. Where I am, there is no interest. And where I am, every Friday, some of us actually race our survivors from '66 and no one has suggested we even try a modern rule car. Dunno. We did have a program for about ten years where we had people running replicas of known '66 cars along side our actual survivors. Because of a shortage of all the bits needed to build a pro type Russkit 23, we just specified a modern 16D "work alike'.

Rocky Russo
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#28 Gary Donahoe

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Posted 05 May 2011 - 02:26 PM


You are entitled to your opinion however mine is completely different. I enjoy racing Jail Door cars. To me the more challenging, the better. A car or track that requires only a micro throttle blip a few times per lap is of less interest to me. I like to drive a car that takes some finesse to go quickly, and stay on lap after lap. Any formula that provides a level playing field, realistic looking cars, and showcases the best drivers is good with me.

I am certainly not trying to convince you to like Jail Door. If this class is not your preference then not participating is the right thing for you to do.

#29 Noose


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Posted 05 May 2011 - 03:29 PM

If Nesta thinks the Jail Door Sports Cars are tough heck he ought to try to drive a JD GP car!

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#30 68Caddy


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Posted 05 May 2011 - 05:39 PM

First of all I did just ask this in the post #16! :unsure: Then thread took its strange course by itself?

I must write really bad English?

Oscar, are we taking vacation together, sweet. :laugh2: Hell, I still got those two original JD chassis for sale, send me a PM. :D

At least JC knows what he is talking about when it comes down this type of cars, I think he made a living racing slots back then. ;)

I don't mind you guys racing JD but it is like Gary said, "If this class is not your preference then not participating is the right thing for you to do." Thanks, Gary. ;)

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#31 Tim Neja

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Posted 06 May 2011 - 07:12 PM

It's really a bummer that Nesta takes a great race and closes the topic because of his negative talk re: JD cars. Nesta - if ya want a car that handles really well - go WING RACING!!

Dennis - your team did really great with your car - and the race was near perfect in its running!! No problems - and everyone had a good time that I spoke to!

Congratulations to all the teams - we had a great time. Thanks to Paul, Keith, and Brian Warmack for providing loaner cars, too!! Without you guys - D3 racing wouldn't exist. THANK YOU!!

She's real fine, my 409!!!

#32 Gary Donahoe

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Posted 06 May 2011 - 07:25 PM


I have been analyzing the enduro lap counts per lane. Your team did an excellent job, the three of you can be very proud.

#33 gascarnut


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Posted 06 May 2011 - 08:38 PM

I am pretty sure it was not Nesta that closed the topic. He does not have that sort of authority on Slotblog.

There were others who contributed to the thread drift as well, by talking about the Jail Door enduro and the cars in general, so it would have been much better for all concerned if the moderators had merely asked them to take the conversation somewhere else, or better still if the moderators had split off those comments to their own thread.

But whatever, thanks for the compliments, Tim.
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#34 MSwiss


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Posted 06 May 2011 - 09:13 PM


The last post that closed the thread wasn't fit for its own thread and some cooling off time was needed.

I merged the threads and the topic will be only post-race discussion of the 1/32 Enduro.

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#35 Tim Neja

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Posted 06 May 2011 - 10:43 PM

Tim, I have been analyzing the enduro lap counts per lane. Your team did an excellent job, the three of you can be very proud.

Thanks, Gary. I was very happy with our effort. Keith gave us a great loaner car which with a little tuning; it was VERY easy to drive. It allowed us to put up a lot of laps even with a rookie driver.

It was VERY fun - and thanks to the OTHG gang for letting me join them for the fun!! Terry and Christophe, you'se guys did good!!! :):)

She's real fine, my 409!!!

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