Wow! What a race!
Essentially 30 seconds separating the first and second place teams after six hours! Then you have only 20 seconds between the third and fourth place teams!
No motor blow-ups. If you do the math you would see that that these cars ran the equivalent of 16 normal mains. Many found that bushings in the motors were just fine and there was still plenty of brush life left. Thanks, Pro Slot, for the great motors!
Not many tire changes at all. All the hubs held up fine and most teams only used two sets while some did use three sets. The fronts were all in pretty decent shape although some were worn down pretty low. Again, remember this was 16 normal mains. Most teams used probably six sets of braids overall. Even that is pretty good.
With the exception of perhaps the Gorski team, which had a rough time of it, all of the bodies held up very, very well. Thanks, Outisight!
And finally, the skills of Tony P were awesome. It was truly amazing how equal these cars were overall and especially in the handling department.
There was no doubt that this will become an annual Retro East™ event!
Well, that's about it. I want to personally thank Ron Hershman of Outisight, Dan DeBella of Pro Slot, and the man himself Tony P for their help in making this happen. We must of course thank Mike Iles and Jay Kisling of Speed Zone and especially Brandon Millinghausen for all his work as race director.
The full report is here:
MailmenGoPostal-Enduro-6-18-11.pdf 1.19MB
Your winners:
1st – Team 3: "Mailman"
Matt Bruce, Bruce Baughman, Derek Velez, Mikey Iles, 3436 Laps, 5.761 Fast Lap Time, 429.5 Avg. laps per heat

Here is the winning car after the race. Matt's team got Super Sled 1. They ran 8/29 gears and were the only team to do so. They weighed in at 123.5 grams and used a Red Fox guide.

2nd – Team 5: "Lady GaGa"
Mike Katz, Ed Hilland, Ray Carlisi, Doug Murphey 3430 Laps, 5.758 Best Lap Time, 428.8 Avg. Laps per heat.
Here is their car. Weighed in at 123.8 grams, geared 7/27 and they used a Parma guide. They of course had the now famous Lady GaGa frame.

3rd – Team 5: "VWs"
Russ Katz, Ed Chaya, and John Streisguth. Mike Iles had to leave for his real car racing and missed the picture. 3332 Laps, 5.757 Best Lap Time, 416.5 Avg. Laps per heat.
Here is their car. Weighed in at 123 grams, geared 7/27 and they used a JK guide. They had the Ton of Fun frame.

4th – Team 6: "Twistafatties"Chris Radisich, Mac McPherson, Tony Lang, Mike "Duffy" Heinrich3328 Laps, 5.711 Best Lap Time, 416 Avg. Laps per heat
5th – Team 2: "Black Sunshine"Jay Kisling, Wes Pikunis, Gary "Hip" Culy, Jeff Bates3316 Laps, 5.652 Best Lap Time and Fastest Time of the Race, 414.5 Avg. Laps per heat 6th – Team 1: "Hang 'em High"Noose, Dave DeMott, Jersy John Molnar, Adam Chaya3148 Laps, 5.820 Best Lap Time, 393.5 Avg. Laps per heat 7th – Team 7: "Penske"Roger Ruggieri, Preston Meyer, Max Iles, Bill Dougherty3144 Laps, 5.866 Best Lap Time, 393 Avg. Laps per heat 8th – Team 8: "TQs"John Gorski, Vinny Spina, Mike Mankin, Emil Fischman3130 Laps, 5.820 Best Lap Time, 391.2 Avg. Laps per heat