So I took my Champion gauge to work, a maching company. They had am Optical Comparison Gauge.
Oh ack. First off, you're a zero to the right of industry standards there: optical comparator manufacturers won't claim more than half a micron (.00002") even with computer-compensated resolution & automatic edge detection; & besides that, what spot on your Champion gage with its barely 63-microfinish sawtooth of an edge at what temperature differential from your workroom are you measuring to even five decimals? This is pure posturing (of the type I freely admit I do every day in MY job!).
We'd be better off tactically standing toward the back of the tech line in winter races, so Noose's warm little hands have a chance to grow that gage by thermal expansion before we get up there! Nehh, bottom line: everyone's tech'd with the same tools, and the inspector's tools're law. Even when they're worn and sloppy.
I'll contact Noose & tell him to submit his tools to me after the Fall Brawl, for calibration with my 1946-vintage Johansson Blocks (hey, they were good enough for Ford to put in that pretty wood case, they're by damm good enough for Retro!). Not that we'll change anything, mind, but then he'll know. & then he can choose whether or not to break it to you lot.