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Posting pics at Slotblog

A new tutorial

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#1 Cheater


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Posted 18 March 2012 - 11:22 AM





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Gregory Wells

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#2 Mark Wampler

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Posted 18 March 2012 - 04:55 PM

Thanks for posting this, Greg.
Mark Wampler
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#3 James Wendel

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Posted 25 August 2014 - 07:20 PM

Is this still the best way to post pictures? I have tried other methods which sometimes work, but often don't.
I tried this method today for the first time. It worked okay and would get easier with practice, but it seems awkward, slow, and inconvenient.
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#4 Cheater


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Posted 25 August 2014 - 09:13 PM


It's not something I can change, as it is the procedure embedded in the IP.Board forum software Slotblog uses.

As for being "awkward, slow, and inconvenient," I have to ask: compared to what other forum software? vBulletin, one of the other big players in this space, seems much more kludgy to me. Is there another forum you frequent where you feel the pic posting process is more convenient?

I post and report literally hundreds of pics per month and find IP.Board's procedure pretty quick and easy once you get used to it.

Keep in mind that you can always park your pics at Photobucket or similar image hosting sites and simply use links to display them in Slotblog posts.

Gregory Wells

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#5 James Wendel

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Posted 25 August 2014 - 10:59 PM

Thanks for the quick reply, Cheater.
Honestly, this is the only board that I post on with any regularity at all.   So I don't know much about other websites.
My question was: "Is this still the best way to post pictures? (Referring to the method described in the first post.)
I have posted images in the past by simply opening an image from my hard-drive (MS Office), copying the image, then control-V (paste) it into the "quick reply" text block.
Sometimes it worked, sometimes I got an error message message... xxx  "image extention" xxx

As for going the Photobucket route, I have done that successfully, and I have also gotten the same error message as with cut and paste.
No matter, I did "by the book" once, it will just get easier if I continue.
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#6 Cheater


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Posted 25 August 2014 - 11:15 PM

Well, to answer your question, yes, it is still the best way to post pictures. I much prefer that members attach images to their posts (rather than links to images stored elsewhere) and that way they will always be here. Linked images have a way of disappearing over time, as the links change or go dead and that makes it rather annoying when reading old threads where that has occurred.

Copy and pasting doesn't upload the pics to Slotblog, as far as I know.

I sent you a PM about this and have a few suggestions for you that we can discuss privately.

BTW, the only image extensions IP.Board accepts are .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, and .png.

Gregory Wells

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#7 CoastalAngler1


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Posted 26 August 2014 - 05:55 AM

Posting the images by using the 'attach files' button is the easiest way.  Works perfectly once you get the sequence of clicks...

Attach files: choose file > select file from PC > attach file > add to post.


Pictures tell a thousand words...

Charlie McCullough

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#8 SlotStox#53


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Posted 26 August 2014 - 06:35 PM

What Charlie said. :good:

#9 Pablo



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Posted 27 August 2014 - 08:03 PM

I don't understand all that complicated stuff, either.  Posting pics for me takes about 5 seconds.

No, I don't use any special program like Photobucket, nothing.

I don't understand any of that insertion/embedding/URL stuff.

Watch this, Grasshopper:

Start a new post.

Click on "More Reply Options". This opens up a new box. Type in your text. (you can add or change your text later, don't worry too much about that right now)

Click on "Browse", that opens up your computer's files. Double click on the pic you want. Now the name and file type appears to the right of "Browse".

Click on "Attach This File". A small snapshot of your pic now appears immediately above "Attach Files".

Now place the cursor where you want the pic to be inserted. Click "Add to Post".

Click on "Preview Post". This opens a "copy box" of your post above the actual post. If you want to make changes, you can't do it in the new "copy box" - scroll down to your actual post and change it there. Once it's perfect, click on "Add Reply". You can click on "Preview Post" as many times as you like to make it perfect. Once you click on "Add Reply", to change it you would need to click on the "Edit" box.



Paul Wolcott

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Posted 18 January 2015 - 01:08 PM

Let me try that, Pablo...
P4150322 Midget racer.jpg

Headless midget racer
Well, that was easy!
I was perplexed until I read your post, so thanks for this.
Jim Slater

#11 Pablo



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 04:52 PM

:good: :)

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Paul Wolcott

#12 Ricky Vegas

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Posted 01 June 2015 - 02:41 AM

I don't understand what is happening with my posts now with pics (specifically my Wednesday night racing at Chicagoland race updates)
I have always done as Pablo explains above.. selecting "more reply options" and then selecting the jpeg / image files I want to appear.. and this is key.. selecting them in the order I want them to appear .. top to bottom (e.g. first race printout first).
It always worked. Now it doesn't.
I just selected five image files for my most recent Wednesday night racing report in the order I wanted them to appear and they posted all "willy-nilly."
I've tried posting one image at a time and editing my post by adding the additional images but they still show all shuffled up.
Any help would be really appreciated so my race posts appear as organized as I intend them to be. :dash2:
Richard Hill
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#13 Pablo



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Posted 01 June 2015 - 05:09 AM

Ricky, go to your post. Click on "edit". Now click on "More Reply Options".

Now you should see your photos towards the bottom.

The order in which you initially insert(ed) the photos matters not.

What does matter (and this is the step you forgot in all your posts that I see),

is when you are ready to insert the photo where you want it, place your cursor there.

Then click "Add to Post". It will put whatever photo you want, right where your cursor is.

Try it. I'll be watching.

Not doing the final step of "Add to Post" is a common mistake.

The photos still show up, but the text "Attached Photos" appears which means you skipped that step.

And, if I'm right, in your case it is deciding the order for you based on the names of the photos.

As opposed to putting them where you want.



As I said before, it sounds much more complicated than it is.

Paul Wolcott

#14 Cheater


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Posted 01 June 2015 - 08:25 AM

Richard, I'm going to use a recent post made by Casey Scott to help "illustrate" in pics what Pablo has said in text.


Here's what Casey's post originally looked like:




Note the boxed-in-red bullet and "Attached Images" label? These indicate that the poster attached the photo to his post but that he did not place an "Image Tag" for the photo in the text field. Therefore the software is displaying the attached image by default at the bottom below the text.


If I go into Edit Mode and enter the Full Editor, I see the post text in the text field and the attached image shown beneath the text field.




To add an image tag to the text field, I click on the "Add to Post" highlighted at the bottom right of the following pic and the tag is added to the text field wherever I have my insertion point placed; here it was on the second line below the text line. The image tag is the code boxed in red.




If I save this, here's what it looks like.




Since there's only one image attachment in this post, here's how you would re-arrange the text and image, to place the text below the image. It works the same way with multiple images. Using the image tags in the text field allow you to control where the images appear, in what order, and to intersperse text and images as you wish.

Here I have moved the image tag to be above the line of text (using cut and paste):




And when saved, this is what the post looks like:




Hopefully, this will clear up your confusion on the pic posting process and allow your posts with image attachments to appear as you desire.

Gregory Wells

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#15 Ricky Vegas

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Posted 01 June 2015 - 10:21 AM

Greg and Pablo ~


Appreciate your help big time!


I'll practice the method revising my Wednesday night race results most recent post when I can later today.



Richard Hill
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#16 Ricky Vegas

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Posted 29 July 2015 - 02:04 AM

Greg and Pablo ~


Looks like something is wrong with the PC I'm on.  We have been having some issues lately.


I can upload images but when I click on the "add to post" icon nothing happens.


But; when I click on the "delete" icon; that works just fine. Grrrr ..


I'll keep trying some things.  Site is fine. I was on a roll and my PC is giving me some fits.


I was anxious to see how posting with images in the right fashion looked! 


If all else fails I'll have to post my images willy-nilly in the wrong mode until I get one of my tech-savvy friends over to the house  :dash2:

Richard Hill
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#17 Pablo



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Posted 29 July 2015 - 02:34 AM

At this very moment I am having the same type problems with photos.

Also it won't allow me to cut and paste anything.

It's the same old thing - a simple browser incompatibility issue - and a very simple fix.

I was using Internet Explorer, signed off, switched to Google Chrome, logged back on, bingo !

It works fine. Keep me posted, I'll be right here all night, Richard. 

Paul Wolcott

#18 Cheater


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Posted 29 July 2015 - 02:34 AM

Just a stab in the dark...

If you're using IE as your browser, try using Chrome or Firefox.

Gregory Wells

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#19 Pablo



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Posted 29 July 2015 - 02:39 AM

Then go to your "Wed Night Racing" posts where your pics say "Attached Images" (because they aren't added to your post yet).

Click on "Edit", then "Use Full Editor", then look to the right of your attachments where it says "Add to post" - first place your cursor exactly where you want you photo to be, then add to post.


Cheater, what are you doing here, I thought I was the Lord of the Night Time?   :laugh2:

Paul Wolcott

#20 Cheater


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Posted 29 July 2015 - 03:11 AM

Cheater, what are you doing here, I thought I was the Lord of the Night Time?   :laugh2:

I awoke when I felt a tremor in The Force... LOL.

Usually have to get up during the night to take a piss and figure I might as well check on the blog while I'm up...

Gregory Wells

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#21 Pablo



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Posted 29 July 2015 - 03:23 AM

Greg, he did it to us again. We give him good answers to his dilemma, then he logs off and disappears... :shok:

Paul Wolcott

#22 olescratch



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Posted 24 January 2016 - 02:08 AM

Testing my ability to post a pic in my threads. I think I got it will see for sure when I try to post pics of my latest build.

John Stewart

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Posted 24 January 2016 - 02:47 AM

The attachment appears, but the quality of the photograph (i.e. the lack of focus) leaves a lot to be desired. :)

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Posted 24 January 2016 - 11:20 AM

Sorry about the quality of the pic., I'll try to do better when I am actually concerned about that!!  My purpose was to see if I could include a pic in my post using the step-by-step instructions given by Pablo in the previous posts on this thread ( thank's Pablo for making this easier for those of us that may have difficulty with this computer stuff) not with any concern as to the quality of the pic itself.  The original pic was a bit blurry also, so what you see is what I picked!  I would like to ask why the last line of the post with the pic was added before and not after the pic?

John Stewart

#25 Pablo



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Posted 24 January 2016 - 07:41 PM

I don't understand all that complicated stuff, either.  Posting pics for me takes about 5 seconds.

No, I don't use any special program like Photobucket, nothing.

I don't understand any of that insertion/embedding/URL stuff.

Watch this, Grasshopper:

Click on "More Reply Options". Opens up a new box. You may continue typing like I am right now.

Click on "Choose Files". That opens up your computer. Now make the necessary clicks to tell it where you want it to look for your pics, and double click on the pic you want.  Then the pic appears in a small box down below and says "done".

Place the cursor where you want the pic to be placed.  Click on "Add to Post".

The cursor ends up at the end of the insertion dialog. Push "enter" on your keyboard to push the cursor down a space.

Click on "Preview Post". If it turned out well, click on "Add Reply"

Done.  It's easier than it looks here.


Re-read my bolded sentences, olescratch; it answers your question.


Try it again in a new post. I know you are just testing the steps, the poor focus doesn't bother me.

Paul Wolcott

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