Yup, that car has obsessed me for a couple years now.
It all started a little over five years ago when Ron Bernstain (RiggenHO.com) asked me to build a replica of his favorite car. That car would be the entry and winner of the second Car Model Magazine Road Race held at Tom Thumb Raceway early in 1967 built and raced by a young John Cukras. For those of us not at the raceway that day (heck, I was only 7 years old!), we all saw it... drooled over it and imagined building our own directly from the pages of Aug. '67 Car Model magazine. The editors must have known this because they featured it a couple months later with a center spread and then the chassis popped up again the next year in a Morrissey article about chassis building long after the angle-winder and floppy pans had become the norm in pro-racing. (Things happened fast back then)
Well, I built Ron a replica to the best of my meager abilities back and felt that itch scratched till Victor Ferguson sent me an email just two years ago that he was working on a correct mold of the super rare Ferrari P3 body John and Bryan Warmack used in that race.
You see... that body mold carved by the able Jack Garcia never saw production!
Jack carved it for Riggen and it was to become the beginning of the new "handling body series" of sports cars but... never saw the light of day other than a handful of test shots.
How many were produced or where the mold went is unknown at the time of this writing.
But... the Bryan Warmack restored original car currently residing in the SoCal Slot Car Museum and my previous replica sport incorrect Pactra bodies painted up as closely to the original as possible.
The replica mold by Victor languished for a time despite my protestations, all the while slowly collecting the necessary bits and pieces. Then one day in a race report I see a picture of Victor showing what is reported to be one of the pre-production test shots from back in the day. Victor is showing that body to the master John "The Jet" Cukras who confirms it is indeed yet another uncut body molded from the long gone Jack Garcia carving.

Cool huh?

So... I increase my collecting of bits even more quickly expecting a new mold and a future new Lexan body to play with very soon.
But... my hopes jumped to my throat when Victor sends me a short note last month saying that he made the mold... and would I like the original body now that he is done with it?