Du-Bro Bodies
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Du-Bro started up in 1964 and produced many different high quality scale bodies through 1967. In 1968 however they changed direction and offered five 'Super light-weight" and six "Handling - long, low & wide" bodies, along with only two new scale bodies, in the same manner as their remaining competitors were doing.
Unfortunately, the era of building scale model slot cars was pretty much over, and it no longer mattered whether the body was injection-molded or vac-formed; the standard design formula required everything other than open wheel bodies to be not only very light, but also more than three inches wide (more than six feet in scale) and have at least 1-5/8 inches in front of the front axle and be proportioned to fit tires only 3/4 as large as scale.
By 1969 the slot car body marketplace had successfully followed the trend in commercial slot racing, and completed it's evolution from scale model to miniature race car. Du-Bro, like many other manufacturers producing scale model bodies, simply dropped out.
Photos of some Du-Bro bodies: