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Slot car armature balancer video

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#26 Dan Miller

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Posted 21 June 2013 - 09:07 AM



In alphabetical order...








Over the years, all have balanced my armatures, on a commercial level.


Many racers to ask me to send new armatures to their choice of balancer, for the initial balance. That is fine with me. I gave up on balancing my own armatures years ago. Have not powered up my balancer in years. Now I simply follow whatever instructions my buyers will give me in regard to who will be their balancer of choice.  


Dan Miller

#27 Tracy


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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:23 AM

Since you are not using your balancer, maybe its for sale? I keep calling but, no answer.  



Bruce Adamson

#28 Jesse Gonzales

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Posted 26 August 2019 - 08:11 PM

When I got back into racing in 1983, I hung around at AZSCR that was run by Al & Carla Boardman, I observed how many of the newbies (guys that were not racing at the pro or semi-pro level in the late sixties or early seventies) were influenced by a guy that was a hack from the old days. He and a friend were attempting to convince they guys to have them pre-condition their arms for a fee prior to being sent out for dynamic balancing. This consisted of cleaning the shaft, polishing the comm with smooth back of leather and then doing a static balance. They were telling the guys that their arms would be faster because they were now being static and dynamically balanced. The comm polishing was said to create a hard sheen on the copper and reduce the depth of cut  by the pro refurbish-er. I just ignored them and raced my little program of Box Stock 15 and Int-15, many of the CA guys that were still around still knew me and understood that I was raising a family so had to pick my racing carefully. Hucksters like like those guys were just trying to shake few bucks here and there from gullible newbies.


Jess Gonzales

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#29 Alchemist


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Posted 26 August 2019 - 11:31 PM

Hi Jesse,



I just ignored them and raced my little program of Box Stock 15 and Int-15, many of the CA guys that were still around still knew me and understood that I was raising a family so had to pick my racing carefully. Hucksters like like those guys were just trying to shake few bucks here and there from gullible newbies.



I've experienced being taking by "hucksters" and was even "ear-distance" away from them as they bragged how they hustled some "dumb asian kid".


Unfortunately, I was a very young "newbie"  with no one to help me address the situation.


I appreciate your sharing the story Jesse!



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Ernie Layacan

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