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Riggen Gator chassis

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#51 TSR


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Posted 05 February 2021 - 10:38 PM


I was comparing the Lancer P4 to the Riggen P4 which they modified, I believe.


Martin, this is pretty much what Gordon Brimhall (and others) did, use someone else's work and shortcut their own labor. And yes, he chopped every single one of these bodies from existing models... :)

By the way, the Lancer body you show is not a 1967 "P4", but a 330P3 from 1966, and it is supposed to be a spyder (one had to trim the flat part on top to open it up). Dynamic got a large number of these clear plastic bodies from Lance for the P3 kit.

museum-2009-06-07- 020.JPG



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Philippe de Lespinay

#52 Martin


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Posted 06 February 2021 - 01:15 AM

Thanks P, yes I knew the the bodies I was comparing were the 330 P3. I must of got confused for that moment.

The 330P3 Dynamic kit was my second car I owned growing up. I know it well.

But thanks for the correction.


Until I put them side by side I did not realize Gordon Brimhall had modified Lloyd Asbury's work. The true creator.


Do you know if Riggen had a relationship with Lancer. Did Lancer make the Watson Ford and the BRM with the added built in pipes for Riggen?

Or did Riggen make all their own bodies off the backs of Lancer original work?

Martin Windmill

#53 Allan Feldman

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Posted 07 February 2021 - 12:14 PM

you will see one of these Lola T70s in blue in the new book. They were sold inside a "body size" box printed with Brimhall propaganda. Stock number is "700".
Later, it received the anglewinder brass chassis with the FT26 motor.

This box with a Riggen "Special" inside, was the same as used for the Lola.


Don, the first version of the Riggen dune buggy had a Gator chassis. Later it got the brass inline chassis with the FT16D, and later again the anglewinder with the FT26. The stock number for the original version with the Gator chassis is "707".


Brimhall---------- Lola T70 RTR ----------- Red, Blue------------ 2-piece alum----------- FT26 Nickel----700
Riggen_______Dune Buggy RTR--------Gold, Blue------------ 2-piece alum---------- FT26 Nickel----707

And of course, the "famous Nylatron gear" did not contain any Nylon or glass powder, unlike the indestructible Cox, Weldun or Champion crown gears.

I like the picture on the box its the 1962 Mustang 1 concept car an influence in the design of the Ford GT40 Regards Allan

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#54 TSR


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Posted 07 February 2021 - 06:18 PM


Do you know if Riggen had a relationship with Lancer. Did Lancer make the Watson Ford and the BRM with the added built in pipes for Riggen?

Or did Riggen make all their own bodies off the backs of Lancer original work?

Martin, as it happened quite often in period and to this day, there are little thieves. One of them was Gordon Brimhall who used other people's work, modified them a bit and voila, a new car.
So the answer is no, Riggen had no connection with Lancer and depended on Brimhall to craft their molds. But Brimhall also fully created a good part of the Riggen's HO bodies. Others created the rather humdrum Riggen 1/32 scale bodies.


Philippe de Lespinay

#55 don.siegel


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Posted 19 March 2021 - 02:49 PM

An a follow-on to this thread (and in addition to the one Bernard just started for his "Gater" version of this car, here's the aero version of the Riggen Lola T70 I traded for a couple years ago. I've been going crazy trying to confirm this, but saw Philippe's earlier comment about Riggen selling aero versions of a couple of these cars, so I assume that's it. No trace in Auto World or the magazines... 




Riggen Lola T70 aero-1.JPG


Riggen Lola T70 aero-2.JPG

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