The website says it will work with Win8 but we are using Win7.
But in case you didn't notice, on the TrackMate website
there are two versions of TrackMate available for downloading.
The bottom one of the four listed, is ver 6.8.1 but the one above it is an updated version, 7.5.0.
Ver 7.5.0 has two features that we really like:
One, it shows a * next to the lap count each time a lap is counted (including during the coast time).
And two, you can tell it how much, if any, time to deduct from the heat time each time there is a track call.
In ver 6.8.1, if you have a 2-second coast time, 2 seconds gets deducted from the heat time each time there is a track call. We are using ver 7.5.0 and have the time set to zero.
I understand the reasoning about deducting some, or all of the coast time from the powered time of a heat, but in reality, I think it makes more sense to actually ADD time to the heat because even though you made some forward progress coasting, you will actually turn a slower lap getting your car back up to speed (especially if your car stopped at the beginning or part way through a turn).
Having said all of that, ver 7.5.0 suddenly started the race over three times now in the last two times we used it.
The first time, we were just beginning heat 8 of 11 when we looked at the monitor and saw it said heat 1 of 11 (and of course, everybody had zero laps).
The next time, it was during heat 5 of 8 and the last time was heat 3 of 8 when it aborted itself and started over.
We were able to salvage the races by getting the total number of laps each person had run up and through the last heat because TrackMate records the info at the end of each heat in files
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\scltimer750\Stats\
DefaultRaceFile.txt and DefaultRaceFileWithLaps.txt
I haven't contacted TrackMate about this issue because I installed a hard drive image on the raceway's PC (taking the PC back to a time before any recent software had been installed) then I reinstalled ver 7.5.0 then ran an 8 heat test race and experienced no problems.
We will be using ver 7.5.0 again this Friday night for our weekly races and see if it behaves.