A couple friends, Brent and Dan, met up at Chicagoland to run their vintage stuff.
These guys had too much cool stuff to show it all, but here's a smattering.
Brent's stuff.
Gurney chassis with older square hole 36D
Nice Ulrich wheels on the Gurney car.
Tamiya chassis on the Corvette.
Neat '66 Plymouth, again with Ulrich wheels.
Real clean mounting jobs with the great looking bodies on the various vintage and H&R chassis.
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, mikeswiss86@hotmail.com (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559