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Gettin' ready to go...

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#1 Cheater


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 05:00 PM

Have been invited to show off the Model A at a school tomorrow and today was making sure she was up to snuff for the trip.
The recent starting trouble was, just as I was told and thought, I needed to service the battery. Way low on water in all three cells.
My old Sears charger finally bit the dust so I sprang for a fancy new one with rotating LED displays providing all the needed info. Set the charging rate to the lowest possible - 3 amps, called "Maintenance Mode." After a couple of hours, 100% charge and good to go. My old Interstate Battery guy told me that most all of their "defects and returns" just needed water and a slow charge to be "like new."
Installed my restored year-of-manufacture license plate; see pic below. 1930 Georgia plates are not common and are rather disliked for their plain colors. This craigslist find was being sold by a former NAPA store manager whom I had done much business with for a decade or so twenty years ago!
Had to resort to some hammer and dolly work to straighten the rear plate bracket, which was twisted pretty badly. Still can't get the plate to sit exactly level, no matter how much I bend on the assembly. Close enough for now...
Gotta the clean the whitewalls tomorrow. They're so yellow it's embarrassing. Took three stops to find Bleche-Wite. Walmart was the winner.
Thank goodness it's finally cool enough to work on the car outdoors. My garage situation is so tight I can't do much while the car is inside.

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Gregory Wells

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#2 Pablo



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Posted 15 September 2015 - 05:58 PM

Looking sweet, Greg. They will be impressed :yes3:

Paul Wolcott

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 06:00 PM

Showing off the model A at a school? Tach that thing up and do a smokey burnout. Bet the kids will remember that!

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Bobby Robinson  RN, BMTCN

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#4 bluecars


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 06:03 PM

Way to go, Greg. Missed you on Sat.

Robert 'Red' Valantine
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Posted 15 September 2015 - 06:15 PM

Really intended to be there, Red. Honestly...

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#6 Tom Thumb Hobbies

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:42 PM

Really sharp.

Mike McMasters


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#7 Cheater


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:22 PM

Showing off the Model A at a school? Tach that thing up and do a smokey burn-out. Bet the kids will remember that!

You're funny, Bobby. LOL...

Maximum RPM for an A is probably 2,700 RPM. Tough to do a smoky exit with that little RPM, even on tires 4.75" wide.

Gregory Wells

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#8 MattD


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:29 PM

It's not hard to get a squeal with a Model A in first and second gear. Just takes a good clutch.

Matt Bishop


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:13 PM

I'm afraid to test mine, Matt.

Gregory Wells

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#10 Cheater


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 07:39 PM

Had a great hour or so with the kids at East Cobb Christian School and ended up giving each of them (three at a time) a ride around the good-sized parking lot.

They pelted me with questions about Henry Ford and I could answer most of them. Small class of 10 or 12, some really sharp fifth greaders. Lots of fun.
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Gregory Wells

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#11 DPmax


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 11:19 PM

How did you get hooked up with the school?

Bet it was a fun "class" for the kids as well.
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Max Bowers

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 07:51 AM


The school previously had a guy from Marietta who brought his car over and gave a presentation on Ford, but he passed away last year. The teacher hit the internet looking for someone to replace him and got in contact with someone I know in the classic car sales business, who recommended she contact me.

Gregory Wells

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#13 tonyp


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 09:53 AM

OK, what was the stupidest question asked?

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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#14 Cheater


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 10:17 AM

Hmmm... probably...

What was Henry Ford's mother's name and what did she die from?

Stumped me on that one.

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#15 Tim Neja

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Posted 20 December 2015 - 11:36 PM

Good to keep kids interested in our "Car" heritage!! Can't go wrong with showing off a Model A!! :)

She's real fine, my 409!!!

#16 Phil Smith

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Posted 21 December 2015 - 11:35 PM

Really nice car, Greg. :good: We need more photos!


Your car brings back memories. In the early '60s my dad had some vintage cars. He had several (I don't think it was the expensive endeavor that it is today). Only a couple ran. The main one was a 1918 Dodge touring car that was in pretty good condition. I also remember riding in a rumble seat, but I don't remember the car. The only other car I remember is an Auburn that never ran and needed restoring.


I was 5-7 years old at the time so my recollection of the cars is vague. I do remember riding in the Dodge in a parade in downtown Dallas. That was pretty exciting for a young kid.


Phil Smith
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#17 Hworth08


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:37 AM

A bit un-related to the topic but does lead-free gas hurt the valve train of these old engines? Recalling from 30 plus years I remember Amoco sold small bottles of lead supplement to use with their lead-free premium gasoline.

Don Hollingsworth
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#18 Cheater


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 12:05 PM

Most collector cars don't seem to experience excessive valve wear when running lead-free fuels. The hobby was very concerned when lead additive was removed, but in the years since that occurred, it has not been a major problem according to all reports. Most collector cars don't get driven a lot and that helps IMO.
The cars that have problems with lead-free fuel are the high compression muscle cars, but it's because they require higher octane fuels than what is typically sold these days.
Have you gone through the daily reports I posted on the the trip? Lots of pics in those threads...

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#19 Phil Smith

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Posted 22 December 2015 - 12:43 PM

Greg, I don't know what the daily reports are. Where are they located?

Phil Smith
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#20 Cheater


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 01:11 PM

In the same forum as this thread. Here's a LINK.


Start in the last thread at the bottom and read backwards.

Gregory Wells

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#21 Jairus


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 02:27 PM

Henry Ford's mother was Mary Ford and she died in 1876 at a very young age of 37. I would suspect that it was some sort of sickness we now have a cure for, but in 1876... she was out of luck poor thing.

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#22 Phil Smith

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 01:22 PM

In the same forum as this thread. Here's a LINK.


Start in the last thread at the bottom and read backwards.


Duh. I always go to "view new content" and read the new posts. It didn't dawn on me to look at where this thread was located.


I read your reports on and off all day yesterday. You're an excellent writer and it was an enjoyable read. :good:


Man, that's a beautiful car! That got me to looking at antique cars for sale, something I don't know anything about. I was surprised how affordable the Model As are, especially compared to later '30s, '40s and '50s cars. I like the early '30s and older better (probably because of my exposure to them as a child) so I wasn't expecting that.


The affordability of the Model A's is tempting. I've always wanted an old car of that vintage. I may just have to get one. I don't relish the idea of breaking down on the road. How dependable can these be? Also, I'd want to take my 2 to 5 year old grand kids when I drive. Can I do that legally, and more importantly, safely?

Phil Smith
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#23 Cheater


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 06:40 PM



I've actually seen what seemed to be better deals on a few Model As since I bought mine.


Reliable... very much so but they're almost 90 year old cars. Condition is the most important factor. A low-mileage mostly original car will be very reliable. One wrenched on over the decades by poor, unknowing mechanics and/or assembled from multiple cars not so much.


Best bet would be a car that had been toured regularly and to get an experienced Model A hobbyist to advise on the purchase.


As the owners of these cars age, good cars are coming to market more and more and prices are softening due to generational factors.

Legal, yes. Many guys who tour these cars add turn signals, high brake lights, halogen lamps, seat belts, etc. 


Safe for grandkids? You have to make that call. The very best thing to do is not get in a wreck, as you're likely to be hurt a lot more than in the same wreck in your 21st century vehicle.

Gregory Wells

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#24 Dennis David

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 06:50 PM



I and probably others want you to take another roadtrip, maybe up the eastern seaboard in the new year. How about it?

Dennis David

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 07:08 PM

I'd not be adverse to it, Dennis, but there are some other things it would have to fit around, like the R4, the Amelia Concours, and probably a few JCNA meets.

Gregory Wells

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