After reading the post by Tex entitled 'My latest Hardbody', I got to thinking that there are many European style screwed chassis available including Scholer, Plafit, Slotting Plus, Scale Auto, and likely many others that I am not familiar with. It would be interesting to see how others have set up their chassis with various powerplants. Anyone out there using these chassis please post images of your set-up.
We have been running Scholer chassis cars for several years at Electron Raceway and STR. We use Hawk 7 motors in our GT1 class and Deathstar or Pro Slot 16 D sealed motors in all other classes. Over time the classes have developed by adding custom pans and weight tuning.
Below are images of the Scholer, Slotting Plus, and Scale Auto chassis in stock form Scholer Pantera.
Scholer I-55
Note that all are of similar design. The movement in the chassis is facilitated by the H plate that can move up and down. Below are some images of our chassis set-up on the Scholer chassis. We understand that the Scholer chassis will not be available any more; Ron is experimenting with a Slotting Plus chassis (also shown). Note that in both cases, the side pans are attached to the H plate. The front pan is static and attached to the main section of the chassis. Pans are .062 inch brass. This configuration works quite well. Also note that we are using pretty strong motors Hawk 7 or 16D.
James has come up with a bit different side pan configuration but it involves a bit of soldering. James - feel free to post and explain.
Slotting Plus