Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:14 PM
My friend, I have no camera ability right now. I will have motors with me. Or I can have one of my kids do the photograph bit when they have time.
My assumption was that they were old stock from CHAMPION. I will tell you why, back when champion did that pseudo jail door chassis (I was given a couple as prizes in a novice race in the 60s sometime), the chassis was meant for the 26d. But these 16ds came in the car, as well, because the endbell fit the 26d bracket. The layout, with a slight gold sheen, is as described by don. I usually have one of these cars at the convention every year, sometimes both. I will bring them this year. Anyway, I thought it was a cheapened version of the 16d BB to sell left over 26d stuff. It has the same blue wire 65/30 wind of the stock 26d and so on. But the BBs were replaced with straight steel(which seems not to wear!). So, my assumption was that this was a stop gap on champion's part!
Then they showed up in TwinnK packaging, but I had already seen them.
Toy junk.
Oh, and some have a sticker on the side saying "made in Hong Kong"
I know you love these details, my friend, but I don't think on the scale of things that this is anything but an anomaly, like the stock 16ds in "Aristocraft" packages.
The manufacturers dumped a lot of stuff on us. And during the dark ages, those of us still racing would buy most anything!
Rocky Russo
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