I get these from time to time and, they're basically a Mura Green can with different hole patterns... maybe Champion or someone else. Whatever they are, they make for nifty motors. So, while rescuing old motors, sometimes I'll find one of these calling out for help, and I'm happy to oblige.
First up is building a set-up, because you can't build and wind an arm for a motor that doesn't fully exist! The motor got the full inside and outside clean-up, a new set of magnets and can bearing, a vintage Mura endbell with everything cleaned/polished/straightened and reassembled with button head screws, and turning the head down on the screw that secures the buss-bar that passes in front of the endbell tower.
Natch, such a motor needed major caliber ammo, so I did a #28 double wind, again keeping things as neat as possible... not nearly so easy as doing a neat single. Sometimes I get lucky:
This old C will live to fight another day!