Having been stoked by the recent 36D I did, I did another. This time, instead of a #29 doublewind, I did a #26 single for comparison. Resistance numbers came in VERY close for the two motors, and I did the same prep/mods to this one as the previous one. I think that should give me a good indication of how similar the two behave, at least as good as you can get without actual track testing.
The can got a coat of "Hemi Orange" and the same solid bushing replacement:
I jigged-up the brush hardware after giving the hoods a bend to increase the contact area between them and the brush tubes, and then did a solder job to securely attach them. When remounting them, I put a fiber washer between the hoods and the end bell plastic for some more insurance. This slightly raises the brush tubes from the plastic as well, minimizing contact. A set of post sleeves finishes off the end bell:
After getting the setup all dun-dee-dun-dun, I could build-powder coat-wind-weld-tie-epoxy a nifty can drive arm:
One more mockup just to be sure everything sits where it should and nothing is hitting stuff it shouldn't be, and the arm is ready to go out for balancing: