Well....."the best laid plans", as they say.......don't always work. Here was the original plan:
I remember when the Lancer body of the Follmer Lotus 23-Porsche showed up in our raceway display case back in the day:

I loved it but with its small size it wouldn’t fit on any of my pro style cars and I’ve always wanted to build one:

I never attempted the build because I knew I couldn’t adequately duplicate the livery on the real car with its gold leaf numbers and Trans Ocean Motors on the sides:

My buddy and artist Jairus Watson has agreed to help me. He's going to do the hand lettering and gold leaf numbers and let me paint the body and interior...Thanks, Jairus! 
Jairus came through with super cool custom #16 masks for me to install on the inside of the body before I painted it white:

This is a method Jairus uses all the time with his typical outstanding results. Trouble is, I apparently suck at this process.
Even though I washed the body with Dawn and let it air dry, the masks would not stick down. I'd burnish the masks down and watch the edges slowly lift up.
The problem could have been that I scuffed up the inside of the body with a Scotchbrite pad........or it is more likely that I just suck at this. 
Jairus came through again and told me to just paint the body white and he'd work his magic to put the gold leaf numbers on the outside of the body:

I can still take Jairus up on his generous offer but I decided to see what a "troubled detailer" such as myself could do with over the shelf items like these eBay gold numbers........

.........some vintage Auto World decals and a Dymo label maker:

I'm pretty happy with the engine detail...........

.............and the wheels too but the lettering on the body sides, not so much: 

Anyway, it's a nice driving car:
