Dieter, thanks for the explanations!
This is a good example, of how fragmented the slot car scene is in Germany. I wasn't realy aware of what they are doing there in the middle of Germany. Though I know that Dieter is very active in this scale racing scene. And just because I read the "wrong" German slot car forum (I know of three, but there are more).
We have all scales HO, 1/32, 1/24 (even some crazy guys building slot cars from 1/18 die-cast models). Digital and analog. Hardbody racing and vac shells. Plastic chassis and metal chassis. Chassis like Flexi-kars and chassis with bolts and nuts. On Carrera tracks classes with or without magnets (to hold the car down on the track). You can race everything you want, from "hardcore scale" (where you have to replace every broken antenna or mirror during the race) to G7. This sounds great, and if you live in the right (crowded) corner of Germany, where you have the chance to choose, it is.
The disadvantage (in my opinion) is, that the entry lists often are very small thereby, because we have so many classes, and everyone chooses his favorite.
When I started slot car racing in the '90s, we had a national slot car association and most people raced Flexi-kars. The association broke in the early 2000s. Along with the (re-)upcoming European manufacturers like Carrera, Ninco,, etc. the Flexi-kar scene almost disappeared and we got the actual fragmented situation.
Nevertheless, as I learned on Slotblog, we can be glad to have such an active slot racing scene here. 
And by the way, the Can-Am cars realy look awesome and I can imagine, they are a lot fun to race!